Aja, pa lahko ima? ?e kak vakum leak...treba preverit cevke itd...lahko ti je pa za?el pu??ati intercooler, v tem primeru tudi lahko dobi? ti dve napaki. Skratka, variant je kr precej , kaj je narobe.
En tip je pisal:
I changed MAF and EGR once again to NEW and OEM-quality. No differense exept MAF-values got nice through the revs.. But after 2 workshop trying to troubleshoot with NO progress, I finally checked for vakuumleaks in the intake. Dismantled every hose I could find, but all good. Then I pressurised the system with compressed air, and it all came clear: a big hissing sound from my intercooler. It had big leaks, I'm surprised there was no other codes coming up! I have repaired the intercooler now, and guess what: no errors.. So to all: check for leaks before bying expensive parts! It was quite easy to find the leak with just some rubber plugs and a aircompressor/biketube-pump. And: I dont believe in workshops anymore..
Hm, ti ma? lahko res smolo in ima? dve te?avi. Ena MAF in druga MAP.
Ampak imam ob?utek, da ena povzro?i tudi drugo.
Tole je procedura za MAP, kako se lotiit, ampak predvidevam da itak nima? voltmetra v avtu. Lahko proba? kak MAF resetirat recimo preko FORSCANA. Mogo?e bi proball MAF spucat z namenskim sprejem, ampak imam spet ob?utek da to ne bo dovolj.
Visually inspect all MAF sensor wiring and connectors to make sure they are intact, not frayed, broken, routed too close to ignition wires/coils, relays, motors, etc. Visually inspect for any obvious air leaks in the air intake system Visually *closely* inspect the MAF sensor wires or film to see if you can see contamination such as dirt, dust, oil, etc. If the air filter is dirty, replace it with a new original equipment filter from the dealer Carefully clean the MAF using MAF cleaner spray is generally a good DIY friendly diagnostic/repair step If the air intake system has a mesh in it, make sure that is also clean (VWs mainly) Loss of vacuum to the MAP sensor can trigger this DTC A low minimum air rate through the sensor bore may cause this DTC to set at idle or during deceleration. Inspect for any vacuum leaks downstream of the MAF sensor. Use a scan tool to monitor real-time sensor values from the MAF sensor, O2 sensors, etc. Check for Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) for your particular make/model in case of known issues on your vehicle The barometric pressure (BARO) that is used in order to calculate the predicted MAF value is initially based on the MAP sensor at key ON. A high resistance on the ground circuit of the MAP sensor can cause this DTC to set
Lahko da je pa te?ava ?isto drugje in to v EGR ventilu. S Forscanom ga zresetiraj, potem ga pa probaj o?istit. No ?e ga ?e nisi, ga bo? sigurno moral. Seveda ne na terenu. S forscanom probaj resetirat pa se pejt peljat, da vidi? kako hitro dobi? error nazaj.
Sicer je pa nekaterim pomagalo, da so ga prepucali in je bil potem mir. Upam da je samo to.
Hm, kake sile ni (?e), to se ne zaba?e kar ?ez no?. Preden gre? menjat olje, naredi prisilno regeneracijo, mogo?e kaj re?i. Sicer, pa pelje? magari k strajnarju, da ti skuri vse usedline v filtru in bo kot nov.
Itak, to je isto kot sedaj novi plin v klimi. Zakaj bi ga moral jaz pla?evati po 300, ?e je bil prej 50. Aja, zaradi ozona :-) Jbg, avto je stro?ek, kako so narejeni vemo, zakaj so tako narejeni tudi vemo. Al ga ma?, al ga pa nima?.
Jeba bo, ko bodo enkrat za?eli razno razna preverjanja kar se tega ti?e, ali je vse proper in stock ali ne. Pol bo pa veselica
Spletna stran uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja funkcionalnosti in boljše uporabniške izkušnje spletnega mesta. Z uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate z uporabo piškotkov.
Mislim sem, ?e je maf videl odstopanje bi ga mogo?e lahko tudi za iat. Ne vem, ugibam. Multimeter je potem samo ?e za potrditev recimo..
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