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Krajši interval regeneracije

Ma prevo?enih je 135, dokaj malo da bi bil DPF ?e hin. Tale PID pa ne vem, mislmi da se resetira, ko resetira? nau?ene vrednosti za DPF. Vsaj mislmi da, moram ?e enkrat pogledati. Zaenkrat  bom malce spremljal tele vrednosti, sej je kar zanimivo. 


Potem bom probal s kakim aditivom, ?eprav je to bolj bla?ev ?egenj. Ker pri prej?nji sem imel krepko ?ez 200, pa ni bilo te?av z DPF, se je pa tudi interval po?asi po?asi kraj?al. ne pa kar takole iz danes na jutri za 50%. 


Ob?utek imam, da je ra?unalnik nekaj zabluzil,..lahko pa da se motim :)

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Krajši interval regeneracije

Zadnjega na, za windowse :)

No zgleda je PID PM_ACC_DSD tisti, ki ?teje. No saj tako en iz poljskega foruma pravi. Pri meni je ta vrednost 0.2 g/l se pravi bi moralo biti ?isto ok.


Very interesting thread. I also made some observation of my DPF. My car is Mazda CX-5 2.2 SkyActive Diesel, it has about 184000 km now. My observations: 

PM_GEN value rise quite linear. 

PM_ACC depends on load - can rise very fast on high load - it SYNCHRONIZE with PM_ACC_DSD value after some time (look on chart). 

PM_ACC_DSD - IMO it can show real DPF wear (dunno if its correct word for this case). In my case, after normal DPF regen process, PM_ACC_DSD can't reach value lower than ~3. After some time PM_ACC sync to PM_ACC_DSD. It cause to start regen process every 50-70km in my case. First thing to help my regen process was blinding EGR valve. Regen intervals rise, it took 100-120km between regens. Second thing i did - some chemical cleaning of my DPF in workshop - it help, PM_ACC_DSD value can be lower to 0.8-1.4 after normal DPF regen process. Now i have regens between 150-220km.

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Krajši interval regeneracije

Zanimivo. ZDele mi ni dalo miru in sem se ?el malo vozit, spremljajo? parametre. No in ker je bil PID PM_GEN enak 0 g/l, PM_ACC pa ?e vedno 3.0 g/l, je seveda regeneracija bila ?e kar aktivna, ?eprav po % in gramih ni bilo notri ve? saj. Ne vem zakaj sta dva pid-a za te saje sicer, ampak ok.


To sem ?e zadnji? opazil, ma izgleda kot da ne bi bilo nekaj v syncu. Regeneracijo za?ne na polovici kapacitete, in jo izvaja tudi potem ?e ko so saje skurjene. In to konkretno vsaj 10 minut ?e. Skratka, ko je res kon?a, sem s Forscanom pogledal oba PIDa en jebil 0 en pa NE. No potem sem pognal stati?no regeneracijo za 5 minutk, da je pokuril ?e tisto kar naj bi kao ostalo, zresetiral sem ?e nau?ene DPF vrednosti in to je pa tudi vse kar lahko naredim.


Zdej bomo pa videli, ?ez par dni kako in kaj. Res huda matematika ni kej :)

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Krajši interval regeneracije

Hm.....logike, sicer iz 2.0 ma?ine ampak ok:


Regeneration Control ? The regeneration control determines the soot amount accumulated in the DPF and subsequently starts the regeneration process. The regeneration control is integrated in the PCM. Soot Amount Calculation

? The PCM receives information about the soot amount accumulated in the filter from the DPF differential pressure sensor. In order to establish the soot emission of the engine, the PCM evaluates the customers driving method by monitoring the engine load, engine speed and vehicle speed. In addition, the PCM calculates the soot amount burnt off in the DPF using the signals from the HO2S and the exhaust gas temperature sensors.


? Depending on the signal from the DPF differential pressure sensor, the calculated soot emission, the burnt-off soot amount and the distance travelled, the PCM decides whether and when a regeneration should be carried out. In this way, the filter does neither become blocked nor damaged by a violent regeneration following an over-accumulation of soot. As a result, it is possible to maintain the long-term integrity of the DPF while achieving minimum fuel consumption, minimum oil dilution and optimum engine performance. ?


If the soot accumulation rate in the DPF is 80 % or more, the DPF indicator light illuminates. In this case an automatic regeneration of the DPF must be performed by driving the vehicle at an engine speed of 2000 min-1 or more and a vehicle speed of 40 km/h or more for approx. 10?15 min. As soon as the automatic regeneration process starts, the DPF indicator light turns off.


NOTE: Although the DPF indicator light turns off when the automatic regeneration is started, the regeneration process is continued until the soot accumulation rate decreases to 60 % or less.


NOTE: If the customer complains that the DPF indicator light illuminates frequently, he must be informed to change the driving method (they should drive the vehicle at middle or high engine speeds for a longer distance), so that regeneration of the DPF is enabled. ? If the soot accumulation rate in the DPF reaches 100 % or more, the DPF indicator light flashes and DTC P2458 is stored in the PCM. In addition, the PCM reduces the fuel injection amount to lower the exhaust gas temperature, preventing the filter from overheating.


Due to the reduced injection amount the soot emission of the engine and hence the soot amount accumulated in the filter is also reduced. In this case a manual regeneration of the DPF must be performed. Service Training Mazda6 Facelift 01-73 Diesel Engines Engine


NOTE: Do NOT perform automatic regeneration when the soot accumulation rate in the DPF is 100 % or more, since this may cause damage to the filter or the engine.

? If the soot accumulation rate in the DPF reaches 140 % or more, the MIL also illuminates and DTC P242F is stored in the PCM. In addition, the PCM further reduces the fuel injection amount and hence the soot emission of the engine, resulting in a lower soot amount accumulated in the filter. Here, a manual regeneration of the DPF must also be performed.


? If the soot accumulation rate in the DPF reaches 200 %, the filter cannot be regenerated anymore and must therefore be replaced.


Due to the effect of the catalytic coating the diesel particles are burnt off above a temperature of 500 ?C. Since the exhaust gas temperature during normal driving is between 150?400 ?C (depending on the engine operating conditions), it must be increased artificially by external intervention from the engine management system to start the regeneration process.

? If regeneration of the DPF is required, the PCM checks whether the engine operating conditions are suitable to start the regeneration process. If the requirements for regeneration are met, the PCM performs the following measures to artificially increase the exhaust gas temperature: ? Closing the EGR valve to increase the combustion temperature by increasing the oxygen proportion of the cylinder charge ? Closing the ISV partially to increase the intake air temperature by throttling ? Performing an early post-injection to increase the combustion temperature by burning an additional fuel amount ? Performing two late post-injections to increase the exhaust gas temperature by burning fuel in the oxidation catalytic converter ? By these measures the minimum exhaust gas temperature of 150 ?C (at low engine load and engine speed) is increased to 500 ?C and regeneration starts. Then the PCM monitors the regeneration process using the signals from the DPF differential pressure sensor and from the exhaust gas temperature sensors. Control over the regeneration process is critically important since the DPF is damaged when its temperature exceeds 1000 ?C.


? The regeneration process takes up to 15 min. When regeneration has started it will be completed regardless of the engine operating conditions. It is only stopped when the engine is shut off. In this case, the regeneration process is started again once the required operating conditions are met. Service Training Mazda6 Facelift 01-75 Diesel Engines Engine Regeneration Intervals



? Depending on the operating conditions of the vehicle the DPF is regenerated every 100?300 km. Due to the ash residues that have formed from the engine oil and diesel fuel the usable filter volume is reduced. Since the ash amount accumulated in the DPF increases with every regeneration process, the regeneration intervals become shorter with rising mileage. NOTE: High fuel consumption, low fuel quality (high sulphur content) and high engine oil consumption accelerate the accumulation of ash in the DPF, shortening the regeneration intervals more quickly.

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Krajši interval regeneracije

Dobro sam tvoj je 2.0 motor, lahko da so meli takrat manj?i filter. Tle je bilo vedno okoli 400. Morm malo raziskat tole. Kar lahko naredim je, da resetiram te nau?ene vrednosti za DPF filter, nimam pa pojma ?e bo to karkoli pomagalo.

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Krajši interval regeneracije

A ima kdo kako uporabno informacijo, zakaj bi bil interval regeneracije kar naenkrat za 150km kraj?i kot v  vseh teh letih?

Se pravi iz cca 400 na 250km? Zadnji? ko sem to opazil sem mislil ok, mogo?e je kako vmesno preventivno ?i??enje. Ampak danes je ?e spet na 255km, se dela.


Moram pogledati s Forscanom, ampak zadnji? sem videl, da nivo saj ?e zdale? ni doseglo 60% kot ponavadi, ampak je ra?unalnik zagnal regeneracijo mnogo prej. 


Par dni nazaj sem bil na servisu, ?obe so v redu, drugih te?av (vsaj vidnih) ni. 


Zdej ?e bi avto ful dimil, bi zastopil da se prej regenerira, ampak bi zastopil tudi da se regenerira pri recimo 60%??

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Plata je od winca, po?ljem ga v anglijo v icebox nazaj, potem pa kot pravi ravnokar on po?lje v tovarno ,seveda ?e lahko popravijo sploh. Kaj pa vem..zgubit v bistvu nima kaj.

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Itak, ?e mi ?e pri nas na bijejo 100eur gor se mi ne spla?a. No , je pa res da tam kjer je bil ta sedanji radio kupljen (kupil ga je Jures) so res kooperativni in fer in mi ponujajo 'zastonj' popravilo trenutne enote. Kar krijem so stro?ki po?tnine. Tako, da ga bom poslal gor. Ni obljubil da ga bo popravil, je pa rekel da lahko posku?a, ?eprav imam ob?utek da nekako vedo kaj bi bilo narobe, samo ne izdajo tega.  Mogo?e ima celo kje kak rabljeni board na zalogi, kaj ve?. To bo ?e najmanj stro?kov tako.


Sicer so pa potem naprej druge, dra?je mo?nosti:

1. Kupit drugo novo android enoto

2. Kupit ne kitajca, ampak bolj priznano znamko, vendar potem izgleda gr?e v avtu, ker ima? okoli en kup 'prazne' plastike, kjer so sedaj gumbi.

3. Dat notri original radio

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Aha, tole sem pomoje gledal ja.


Jst mam Eonon 4jedrni, 2gb ram, android7.1
Laufa zaenkrat super deluje hitro, delajo komande volana,delujejo vse aplikacije s play marketa, dobra stvar je splitscreen lahko mas 2 aplikaciji naenkrat odprte na ekranu. Edino hladen start traja kakih 30s da se zazene, hot start se pa lahk poljubno nastavi in je v bistvu v spanju in takrat je vklop v sekundi.
Skratka zadovoljen!
Aja, pa glavni razlog da sem se odlocil za eonon je bla podpora, za razliko od alie kitajcev kjer ne mores pricakovat neke podpore. Eonon lahko prek chata v zivo vprasas in ti takoj odgovorijo, in poskusajo pomagat pr kakih tezavah. No pa se carine ni pr eononu.
Radijo pa si lahk pogledas v moji temi


Kaj pa pomeno vklop v spanju? Da ti malce hibernira in potem seveda nekaj kuri akumulator? Je to sprejemljivo za ?ez no?? :)

Druga?e pa dobro zgleda. Ista oblika in UI, je sedaj tudi ?e okta core s 4gb rama. Se pravi s pol manj rama dela ok?


Jaz sem pa gledal firmo IDOING, kjer tudi lahko brez carine dobi? v slo.

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Podoben k moj :-) No moj biv?i je win ce, sem pa gledal za androida zdej, pa ?e ho?em da spodobno lavfa je treba saj quad ?e ne kar okta core plus 4gb smo na 400 eur skor :)

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Gledam kot alternativo ,da dam notri original radio , ker je dost ugodno, pa? jbg, zgubim kamerco za rikverc:


1) A so kake omejitve, je treba kako kodo vpisat, al je sam plug and play?


2) Kako na tole priklopim gor AMP? A se da kje dobit shemo od konektorja?

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M6 topla ne v?ge.

Tudi pri moji traja kak obrat ve? ko je topel motor. Se pozna razlika, ampak ne vedno. Potrese pa takrat res precej bolj kot ?e v?ge? mrzlega.Pomoje je sw problem.

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Ni fora v kartici. Danes zjutraj je bil spet 'stuck at logo'. Ni pa popolni freeze, Fora je, da moram po?akat ene par minut, potem se zbudi nalo?i in zadeva ?pila. Kot da bi bil tako po?asen, da se boot namesto 20 sekund izvaja 5 minut. 


Lahko da je kaj na tem, ker v?asih se ko predvaja MP3je zgodi, da ko izberem recimo nastavitve, ali kakr?nokoli komando, zmrzne za par sekund, potem gre predvajanje spet dalje. Neki ga ba?e o?itno.

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