Tko je - manj se za njih zmeni? bolj gre vse to mimo tebe brez kakr?negakoli vpliva.
Razne tiste parade, ki jih prirejajo bi bilo pa bolj?, da bi se pa? takrat ne pojavi nih?e v bli?ini pa naj sami paradirajo po praznih ulicah - slej ko prej se bodo naveli?ali in manj kot bodo razgla?evali istospolnost manj bo revolta med folkom sploh med tistimi, ki so bolj homofobne sorte.
Drga? pa mene osebno res ?ist ni? ne motjo - no ja razen, ?e bi me kak?en posku?al osvajat
Pohvalu bi pa se ....vsaj svoji........
Live your dreams, don't dream your life!
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Buh ne daj dragonja ali secovlje.....mi gremo buzet ali jelovice - na jelovicah si garantirano sam, zato moras malo pokramljat s carinikom, vprasi ajvarja
Live your dreams, don't dream your life!
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ja sam pol bojo mogl prepovedat tut Audiju in Peugeotu...
Pe?o se je umaknil - var?evanje...
Seveda vsem, ampak da bo nemc pol imel ve? ?ans....
The Sigma MC74 powered by a Mazda 12A engine was the first engine and only team from outside Western Europe or the United States to finish the entire 24 hours of the 24 Hours of Le Mans race, in 1974. Mazda is the only team from outside Western Europe or the United States to have won Le Mans outright and the only non-piston engine ever to win Le Mans, which the company accomplished in 1991 with their four-rotor 787B (2,622 cc/160 cu in—actual displacement, rated by FIA formula at 4,708 cc/287 cu in). The following year, a planned rule change at Le Mans made the Mazda 787B ineligible to race due to weight advantages.[cita
Live your dreams, don't dream your life!
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Sej sem vedel, da je ?ivljenje s "francozom" dogodiv??ina... kapelci se je v tanajhuj?i vro?ini pokvaril ventilator.
v glavnem super so teli francozi - vsak mesec je kak?na stvar za popedenat - sicer same malenkosti nekje do 50? ampak to je zdej ?e kr vsakomese?ni stro?ek... po moje bi se v porabo moralo poleg benza ?tet ?e vse obiske mehanikov, da bi se realno videlo kolk je ker avto var?en oziroma ni.
Verjetno je delan za francoske alpe
Live your dreams, don't dream your life!
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Prijatelj ima te?ave z USB klju?em, ki ga ra?unalniki ne prepoznajo ve? a obstaja na?in kako priti do podatkov?
brez kontakta oz, razdiranja zelo te?ko, ponavadi so ?e zaliti - prej bi na?el podatke na disku iz katerega je kopiral na USB - recovery SW najdejo vse za nazaj, tudi ?e je bil original disk sformatiran
Live your dreams, don't dream your life!
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Breaking news from Le Mans! Mazda announces SKYACTIV-D Clean Diesel engine for the 2013 24 Hours of Le Mans.
Dempsey Racing plans to be first customer for the new engine. From our official press release:
June 16, 2012 (LE MANS, FRANCE) Mazda Motorsports today announced that it will sell racing versions of its new SKYACTIV-D CLEAN DIESEL engines to teams competing in the Le Mans Prototype 2 (LMP2) class of racing’s greatest endurance challenge ? the 24 Hours of Le Mans. The Le Mans engine program will make its debut at the 2013 running of the race. Mazda was the first ? and to this day, remains the only ? Asian manufacturer to score an overall win at the race, in 1991.
“This reopens our love affair with Le Mans,” said Jay Amestoy, Vice President of Mazda Motorsports, Mazda North American Operations (MNAO). “In 1991 we made history, winning with rotary technology. Now we’re looking to return to the winner’s circle with what we believe will be the most advanced and cleanest production-based powerplant the sport has ever seen. We’ll do it in current Mazda style, with engines being available for sale to European and U.S. customers competing in the LMP2 class for both the World Endurance Championship (WEC) and the American Le Mans Series (ALMS).”
The engines are being developed jointly by Mazda Motor Corporation, Mazda North American Operations and SpeedSource Race Engineering. Dyno testing has already begun and on-track testing begins in late 2012.
The engines will be stock-block Mazda SKYACTIV-D 2.2-liter diesel four-cylinder, dual-stage turbocharged powerplants. According to John Doonan, MNAO’s Director of Mazda Motorsports, “will deliver outstanding performance and fuel economy coupled with the kind of quality, durability and reliability needed to produce great street cars and win endurance races.”
Mr. Masahiro Moro, Executive Officer in charge of global sales and marketing of Mazda Motor Corporation, made the following comment: "Mazda has fostered the culture of 'never stop challenging.' And it was this spirit that drove us through 18 consecutive years of racing at Le Mans, until we finally triumphed in 1991. In fact, it is this same spirit that laid the foundation for the portfolio of SKYACTIV Technologies. This was realized thanks to a number of technological breakthroughs. I am pleased that we will be supporting our private customers who are taking up the Le Mans challenge by supplying race engines as a customer-program based on our SKYACTIV-D CLEAN DIESEL."
Planning and preparations continue for Dempsey Racing to become the first LMP2 customer for the Mazda SKYACTIV-D racing powerplant. Dempsey Racing is co-owned by racer/actor Patrick Dempsey.
Dempsey Racing has been racing Mazda RX-8s in the GRAND-AM GT class since 2007 with their highlight being a podium finish at the 2011 Rolex 24 at Daytona. The team has steadily improved their on-track performance since their arrival in the series, and was a key contributor to Mazda winning the 2010 GRAND-AM GT Manufacturers Championship. With support from several partners such as, Dempsey Racing expanded their operation this year to include a team running in the American Le Mans Series, and is competing in both the Prototype Challenge (LMPC) and Prototype 2 (LMP2) classes as they prepare for their Le Mans effort. In fact both team owner Dempsey and co-driver Joe Foster are currently testing their LMP2 car in Virginia as the rest of the sports car world focuses on the 80th running of the 24 Hours of Le Mans this weekend.
Patrick Dempsey and his business partner/co-driver Joe Foster have both competed at the 24 Hours of Le Mans as drivers in the GT category, and are eager to return in 2013, this time in the LMP2 class and with Mazda SKYACTIV-D clean diesel-power.
Patrick Dempsey comments “Our long-term partnership with Mazda has been fantastic, and we look forward to mutual success as we prepare for 2013. We are focused on that preparation which is why we are currently testing our LMP2 car here in the US in preparation for the next ALMS event. Our team and partners are excited to be associated with SKYACTIV-D technology and the cutting-edge green technology it represents."
Na merilnem mestu Koper je koncentracija ozona danes, 19.6.2012 ob 14. uri presegla opozorilno vrednost 180 μg/m3.
Merilno mesto je glede meritev ozona locirano tako, da podatki veljajo za ?ir?o okolico. Glede na vremensko napoved lahko pri?akujemo tako visoko koncentracijo ozona ?e vse popoldne, zve?er pa naj bi koncentracija padla. Tudi jutri lahko pri?akujemo preseganje opozorilne vrednosti v popoldanskem ?asu.
Koncentracije ozona, ki presegajo opozorilno vrednost, dra?ijo sluznico in dihala. Priporo?amo, da ljudje s kroni?nimi boleznimi dihal in krvnega obtoka v tem ?asu ostanejo v zaprtih prostorih, kjer je koncentracija ozona ni?ja. Tudi zdravim ljudem priporo?amo, da se izogibajo naporov v ?asu trajanja previsoke koncentracije.
Najvi?ja 8-urna vrednost koncentracije ozona za pretekli dan je bila 133 μg/m3.
Live your dreams, don't dream your life!
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ja razlog je pa ?ist preprost, pla?e ni blo ?e tri mesece in kekako je treba pla?at ra?une, al se proda funkcionalen avto ali nek drag projekt. upam da zastopite moj problem, ?e pa ne je pa va? problem
je pa saj to zadovolstvo, da se bo z srebrno lepoti?ko dogajalo nekaj izjemnega
Dobro delo naj se povrne 2x!
Live your dreams, don't dream your life!
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Balotelli in Cassano se ogrevata. Balotelli je igrec ki lahko odloci velike tekme, kot kaze se pa od mojih 4h ze v cetrtfinalu znata dobit anglina in spanija....
Live your dreams, don't dream your life!
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@JureS, ?e te je strah da bi folk preve? vedel osebnih stvari o tebi (kot si enkrat napisal glede tega foruma), pol ni lih preve? pametno lepit slikce domovanja in bli?nje okolice, kjer se vidi kaj imate na vrtu itd. (zraven ?e nekdo pove?e ko napi?e? kdaj in kolko dni bo? v Bukare?ti, od kdaj do kdaj v Parizu, Budimpe?ti, itd., pa je takoj lahko kaka neprijetnost). To je samo moje mnenje (dobronamerno pa?).
Ma? ?ist prav, ni? ne re?em, smo se ravno o tem na morju pogovarjal, kolk kaj kdo o komu takole izve preko spleta. In zaklju?ek je bil da moja ?ena najve?krat pove da me ni
Po drugi strani pa je to tudi obramba - marsikdo se izpostavljenim izogne, nazadnje je zavarovano.
Nikoli ne ve? kaj je prav. Pri nas za enkrat tok tok, vse je zunaj ampak ni? ne izgine, ?e mazda je bila celo no? odklenjena s klju?i na havbi
Moj namen je bolj - osebni podatki, na stvari nisem vezan, tudi ?e kdo pride mi bo samo pomagal dobiti novo televizijo in kak PC, to je pa vse.
Namre? zadnje 2 leti me kli?ejo na vse mo?ne ?tevilke - ?E VE? - za?nejo, vi ste o?e dveh otrok, enega ?olo obveznega, ali imate zavarovano pri AS, vas zanima na?a ponudba, potem - ker ste velik uporabnik prenosa podatkov v tujini....ITD ITD
Kje da fak, jim to???
No dana?nja najnovej?a - kopiram SMS, ki ga dobivam od banke ob tranzakcijah:
Hypo bank d.d.: Odliv z racuna 33000-0000xxxxxx
Znesek: 9,00 EUR
Datum odliva: 18.6.2012
Jaz pri Triglavu nimam ni?esar, niti ne nih?e od nas 4h v dru?ini!!!!!!!!!!!!
Live your dreams, don't dream your life!
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Spletna stran uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja funkcionalnosti in boljše uporabniške izkušnje spletnega mesta. Z uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate z uporabo piškotkov.
Live your dreams, don't dream your life!
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Povezava za deljenje
Deli na druge strani