lepa pot, in pa dejstvo da s 323 resni?no nisem prevozil tako dolge fure... ampak,
money/value je 323 kar zadovoljiv kompromis
?e posebej po mestu in na kratkih turah, ter kar se vzdr?evanja ti?e
Kosovo pa poznam samo po pripovedih sodelavcev, ki so bili tam doli na monta?i, in pa eden mojih klientov, ki je kupil na? stroj, nam jo je opisal, ko je bil pri nas
kak?ni so pa kaj splo?ni stro?ki vzdr?evanja redni servisi in morda kaki rezervni deli...en mehanik mi je rekel da je vzdr?evanje precej drago...predvsem ?e ti gre kaj pri motorju...a ima kdo kake izku?nje s tem?
servisi so cca 240 do 320 EUR, obi?ajni servisi na 20.000 km z menjavo olja ipd...
vpra?aj ti tega mehanika, kateri avto istega letnika je pa poceni za vzdr?evat, ?e gre kaj pri motorju..
je najla?je nekomu nekaj kar tako povedati, ?e zadev ne pozna?...
?e bo? ?e malo pobrskal po forumu, bo? na?el za 6ko ogromno informacij, tudi s cenami itd...
EVO, spet en, ?al ni? kaj pozitiven, info od NAVTEQ-a
Dear Mr .....,
Thank you for contacting NAVTEQ.
Currently for your navigation system there is no map available for the Eastern countries you mentioned. They are currently on our map database but not on an update that would be compatible with your system. This decision was made by the navigation system or car manufacturers as we only produce the maps requested by themselves. Therefore at this moment we do not have any planned released date for a map of this region. For further information we would recommend you to contact your Mazda dealer.
Should you require additional information, please send us your feedback by replying to this email including your reference number. You may also contact us through our Customer Service Centre at the phone numbers provided below.
With kind regards,
NAVTEQ Customer Service Centre
PO Box 501
International Toll Free Number: 00800 18 23 53 22
Local Toll Free Number United Kingdom: 08081 013885
Local Toll Free Number Germany: 0800 181 6065
Local Toll Free Number France: 0800 914 478
Local Toll Free Number Italy: 800 781 145
Telephone Number: +31 555 384 245
Fax Number: +31 555 433 947
Original Message:
Sent: 31-01-2009
To: EU_webstore_english@moduslink.com
Subject: NavteqEurope Web Store Question
First Name: Sebastjan
Last Name:
Comments: Dear sir or madam, I am writing to you, because, I would like to know, if there is a map update for the eastern countries in sight. Due to my business I drive a lot through Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, sometimes also Poland. The support of my Mazda6 2004 built-in navi is great for Germany and Austria, but unfortunately it does not help where I mostly need it. I was wondering, if there is any way, that I could upgrade my maps to have the ability for navigation support in the countries I described. Maybe you have map upgrades for other vehicle brands, that could be compatible with my navi-system, and would include the maps I need. I contacted you two years ago, and received the answer, that apparently support for the eastern countries should be out in 2009. Is there anything known yet ? Thank you for your answer. Best regards! Sebastjan Vucina
Category of Request: Request Future Map Information
Please keep me informed when new maps are available: No
Please help us by identifying your navigation system:
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