Ok bli?a se nam prvi avtoshow, zato bi naprosil vse teame, ki se mislijo udele?iti tekmovanja, da mi sporo?ijo na PM kateri team bi to biu, Vrsta tekmovanje(EMMA,dB Cup) in najpomembnej?e okvirno ?tevilo avtomobilov (tekmovalcev). To me zanima zaradi prostorskega plan da nebodo ve?ji teami razmetani po celem prizori??u temve? da jih postavimo skupaj. Ob enem bo pa ?e naprosiu vse interesente kateri bi imeli postavljeno stojnico na prizori??u dogajanja, naj mi sporo?iravno tako na PM.
Pojasnila v zvezi z impulsnim (novim) sistemom za otto motorje so za?le v napa?no smer. Tu ne gre za turbinske motorje, ampak za nov na?in polnjenja motorjev s toplej?im zrakom in hlajenjem motorjev z ni?jo delovno temperaturo hladilne teko?ine. Gre na nek na?in za obraten sistem od konvencionalnega pri katerem se polnjenje cilindrov izvaja s hladnim zrakom, hlajenje motorja pa s toplej?o vodo. Nov sistem naj bi v kombinaciji s pove?anjem mo?i iskre za v?ig zagotavljal ve? navora in ve? mo?i.
Hot Air Induction and Cold Water
NEW induction and cooling system uses hot air and cold water
Hot air induction is used to increase the speed and pressure of combustion and when used in conjunction with cold water it maintains the optimum combustion temperature needed to maximise power with the larger volume of hot air forced into the engine by the Negative Supercharging process.
Hot air induction with cold water produces more power
If hot air induction is used with hot water, the combustion temperature becomes too hot which reduces the speed and pressure of combustion which reduces power. For this reason a cold water temperature between 45-50°C (113-122°F) must be used to keep the combustion temperature at the optimum level with the larger volume of hot air forced into the engine by the Negative Supercharging process. This allows hot air induction to increase the speed and pressure of combustion to produce more torque and horsepower. However, the much faster burn produced by hot air induction requires using the Negative Supercharging ignition timing which uses a unique advance curve with less total advance to prevent pre-ignition (pinging).
For example,
If the air induction temperature
* FALLS below 40°C (104°F), Negative Supercharging will produce less power the colder the air, even if the water temperature is increased to above 82°C (180°F)
* INCREASES from 40°C to 121°C (104°F to 250°F), Negative Supercharging will produce more power the hotter the air, but the water temperature must NOT exceed 50°C (122°F) to maintain the optimum combustion speed and temperature with hot air induction
If the water temperature
* EXCEEDS 50°C (122°F) with hot air induction, Negative Supercharging will produce less power the hotter the water
* FALLS below 40°C (104°F) with hot air induction, Negative Supercharging will produce less power the colder the water
Hot gas explodes with much greater force than cold gas
Hot gas explodes more violently, produces more combustion pressure and reaches its maximum pressure much faster than cold gas.
For example,
2 equal size gas cylinders filled with the same volume of gas are placed in an open field. The temperature of one gas cylinder is chilled to a cold 10°C (50°F) while the other gas cylinder is heated to a hot 121°C (250°F) or to just before it explodes. A spark is used to ignite the hot and cold gas cylinders and both explode with a tremendous force but the hot gas cylinder leaves a larger crater. The reason for this is, the less dense hot gas reaches its maximum pressure much faster than the more dense cold gas which causes the hot gas to explode with a much greater force.
Therefore, the engine is able to produce more power with hot air induction because the increase in power produced by the higher combustion pressure and faster burn of hot gas is much greater than the loss produced by less dense hot air.
Cold air induction with hot water is less efficient
During cold weather, cold air induction and hot water produce the optimum combustion temperature and maximise power. However, as the air induction temperature increases during hot weather so does the combustion temperature. This causes combustion to exceed its optimum temperature with hot water which reduces the speed and pressure of combustion which reduces power. Also, the slow burn produced by cold air induction transfers more heat into an already very hot cooling system which allows the engine to easily overheat during hot weather and produce pre-ignition (pinging).
Therefore, combining the fast burn of hot air induction with cold water and special ignition timing, the engine produces more power, runs cooler and during hot weather it eliminates the overheating problems caused by cold air induction and hot water.
Ker ta motor dela neposredno (brez vsakr?nih prenosov), me prou zanima kako ma pol avto to spelan - ?e ma to pod "haubo" pol ma 2m roru spelanih ?ez celo podvozje? Mal ?udno se mi zdi. A kdo ve?
Pri telem ?e zastopm, kaj pa pri obi?nih avtomobilih?!!!
Ja, tkole sm pr?u do teme. S prijatlam sma danes razglabljala o impulznih motorjih. Pa sm brsku po internetu pa sm vidu da jih uporabljajo celo pri avtomobilih. Zdej mam pa en problem..... Ne vem ?e sva midva iste motorje mela v mislih kot je tale na prvi sliki; (midva sva se pogovarjala o impulznih motorjih ki se uporabljajo pri letalih-tudi pri tistih na daljinsko vodenje).
Motor deluje takole(posplo?eno)
Ima polnilno komoro kjer se inducira plin(ne vem kter plin)potem pa ima dva izpuha; enega manj?ega in drugega, ki je ve?ji. v polnilni komori je uplinja?(deva iskro po doma?e)........ Potem pa ne vem ve? to?no. vem samo da so dve eksploziji in da so mo?i abnormalne.
?e kdo kaj ve? ve, ima kak znanstveni ?lanek oz. kej podobnega bi ga lepo prosu ?e lahk prpopa!
Sm mislu u slikarji narisat priblji?no sliko pa ne morm pripet. Jebat ga!
?e dolgo se spra?ujem in ?akam, da bo pri?la ven kak?na "velika mazda." V mislih imam Xedox 9. Zakaj ni novega modela? Ali pa je in jaz pa? ne vem.. :ne vem:
Men se pa prevelike zdijo. Mi mamo pa komaj 14 colske. Sej bom kmalu slikce dal na ra?unalnik..... Samo, da fotoaparat dobim nazaj... Pa upam da mi bo kak majstr kej fotoshopu.... A bo? Bi dal 15 col gor, pa letvico zeleno pa pol odbija?a zelenga pa.... ah pozabte spet sanjam...
Moj prijatelj jo je vozil 1 leto. Pravi da je bil z avtom izredno zadovoljen. Imel je isti motor za katerega spra?uje? in pravi da ni imel problemov. res pa je, da je imel vse redne servise in pravi, da je to prakti?no vse kar je ta motor potreboval. Za zanimivost pa ti povem ? e tole: ?ez ?as je dobil slu?benega Golfa V in pravi, da se je z mazdo bolj?e peljal kot z Golfom..... Golfa pa ?e naprej preklinja.....
Mazdo 323 sedan 1.5 90KM 98' imamo doma. (66.000km) ?e nikoli nismo odprli pokrova motorja razen ob servisih in ob ?i??enju!!! Kupi, ne bo? razo?aran. stegne kar solidno. Provida je namerila 198km/h...
nad 200.000sit dobi? F-ko jaz sem se tudi odlo?al pred kratkim za F-ko ali mx3...
sicer nimam ni? proti colteku, vendar mazda je mazda...
o?e je nekdaj tudi imel ve? mazd in nikoli probleme z njo...ena je mela 400.000 prevo?enih in je mela samo redne servise in nikoli ni? narobe...sicer zaj pa mamo zadnjih 10let bol nemce...
Glih sm vidu eno lepo ja! (sej j link spodi) morm poklicat pa se pozanimat glede kilometrov pa upam da ni ta mo?na ma?ina-zarad registracije.....aKaj pa zdej vozi?? F-ko al MX-3? aja pa povej kolk ti ?re prbli?no pa kolk si dau za registracijo.
Spletna stran uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja funkcionalnosti in boljše uporabniške izkušnje spletnega mesta. Z uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate z uporabo piškotkov.
Zaradi te?av z organizacijo se je avtoshow v Trbovljah iz 15. aprila 2006, prestavil na naslednjo soboto 22. aprila 2006.
Opravi?ujemo se za karr?nekoli nev?e?nosti.
Lep pozdrav!
V imenu:?an Kova?i?-Avtohi?a Kova?i?
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