*[Except English] The translation of the message for back camera is not correct. *The Maintenance notification function (except when using Flexible setting) may stop counting after replacing the instrument cluster. It resumes counting after factory reset operation. *The speed limit for the other direction may appear in navigation screen. To correct, the map version must be 18Q4 or later in addition to CMU update. *The phone number (including pause symbols) registered as a favorite may not be dialed and the “Loading” message continues. *The Display Off function does not work if activated while a road name etc. is displayed at the top of the screen. *The information (artist, title, album etc.) for a track in an USB audio device may not appear. *[Ver. 70.00.110 or later] Certain USB audio devices (SONY NW-A45 and NW-A35 etc.) may not be recognized. *Certain Android smartphones (HUAWEI P20, P30 Pro and Mate 20 Pro etc.) may not work as a USB audio device. *Country information (such as alcohol limit etc.) in the navigation screen may not be correct. To correct, the country information has been removed in the latest version. *The information (artist, title, album etc.) for an ogg format file in a USB audio device does not appear correctly. *The play list may not work for a USB audio device with Android 9 or later OS. *SiriusXM radio does not work properly. (SiriusXM cannot be selected, only certain channels appear in the list, the sound turns off and/or the center display shows an error message such as “Check SiriusXM Tuner” or “Unable to Connect to SiriusXM Radio”.)[Edit Tristan: Sirius als Radio gibt`s in der EU glaube ich nicht, daher für die EU irrelevant] *The play list may not work for certain USB audio devices (HUAWEI P20 Pro with Android OS 8.1 etc.) when used as a USB audio device. *The CMU may reboot when playing a CD/DVD. *The CMU may reboot while driving. *Changes for sound setting (Bass, Treble, Fade, Balance) may not be kept after going into sleep mode. *[With Traffic Sign Recognition System (TSR)] While in ACC-ON mode, improper setting items (Speeding, Speed Limit) appear in the navigation setting. *While playing tracks from a USB memory, artist and album names may appear as “unknown”. *While playing tracks from a USB memory, certain mp3 file will not start showing “Loading” message. *Some of the favorite destinations appear duplicated and may not allow editing or deleting. *Right after starting the engine when trying to see the 360° view monitor screen, the black screen may continue for 20 seconds. *When the transmission is shifted into Reverse, the rear view does not appear.
Aha... jaz imam se "navadne" stevce (12/2017) ... digitalni je samo desni del ... zato se omejitev vidi zgolj na HUD-u ...
Glede cestninskih... Jaz lahko napisem za cestninske, kjer se veckrat vozim... To je Torovo (gorenjska AC LJ-KR) in recimo Log (primorska AC LJ - Vrhnika) vem, da pravilno prikazuje ...
Tudi z G165 bo prisel povsod, kamor bi prisel z D150 ali D175 oz. D184 ... tudi polno nalozen in v klanec ... Vcasih so s katrcami, spacki, ficoti in jugoti tudi prisli skoraj povsod...
Za kateri avto pa gre? In katera navigacija? Vgrajena? Ker sam imam vse posodobljeno... pa mi je vceraj kazalo na HUD-u te omejitve ... Tako da sumim, da govorimo o razlicnih zadevah... ker kolikor se spomnim, si eden izmed redkih, ki pravis, da na cestninski pri Vranskem ne kaze vec omejitev, kot so bile, ko je tam bila se cestninska postaja ...
Meni ne kaže več teh cestnin. Po zadnjem updatu tudi prometne informacije kaže tako kot morajo biti. Je bil znak za nesrečo in je res stal kamion brez gume na odstavnem pasu.
Malo zmede je bilo še na nekem gradbišču, vendar tam bolj sumim na neažurnost DARS-a.
Poslano z mojega SM-G985F z uporabo Tapatalk
Kaj pa razumes pod tem, da ti ne kaze vec cestninskih postaj... Sem sel vceraj na stajersko in pri bivsi cestninski za Vranskim se vedno kaze omejitev hitrosti... najprej 100, potem 80, 60 in na koncu celo 40 ...
Imel sem 128 sport. Z njim sem bil zadovoljen. Najbolj pa takrat, ko sem ga prodal. 😏
Ampak glede na to, kako "hvalis" tisto, kar si trenutno lastis... je bil verjetno takrat, ko si imel 128 sport to najboljsa raketa, ki si jo clovek lahko izmisli ... 😆 ...
pred 12 urami je Alex napisal:
Sej ne primerjam hrušk in jabolk.Mazda 6 dizel vs mazda 6 benzin. Ko menjaš pri benzinarji dve brzini dol gre na obrate in naprej.
Pri dizlu se to zgodi tako, da turbina prime, te zalepi na sedež in te katapultira naprej. Pri benzinarju brez turbine tega občutka ni.
Ko govorim o šesti brzini mislim s tem to, da greš v hrib in samo pospešuje in pospešuje, benzinarji pa ostanejo zadaj in počasi se upehajo. Ročni menjalnik je v bistvu boljši, ker bolj natančno lahko predstavljaš in kadar hočeš.
Tiste obvolanske ročke so bolj za zabavo in za lepše videti. Sem probal in ni to to. Druga pesem je avtomatika v kakem Porscheju. Tam stvar deluje kot mora. 👍
Te obvolanske rocke so res bolj kot ne zaradi lepsega... ker jih enostavno pri avtomatiku ne potrebujes ...
Sem pred sedanjim bencinskim CX-5 vozil tri turbodizelske sestice... med drugim nazadnje tudi tako, kot jo imas sedaj ti (le da je bila D175 avtomatik)... Pa tezko recem, da sedanji atmosferski bencinar (G194 avtomatik) kaj slabse gre v klanec ... In tudi jaz nisem imel tega obcutka, ki ga ti opisujes kot "katapultiranje naprej" ...
Ce je samo prah, bo najlazje z vlazno krpo ... Jaz obcasno, ko preverjam tekocine, se spotoma pobrisem s krpo ... Da bi pa sel v vse koticke in spucal, da se "šajna" pa ne ...
Saj Mazdina navigacija ocitno ni edina s takimi problemi pri cestninskih postajah... Dostikrat vidim kaksnega tujca, ki se pelje mimo lokacije, kjer je vcasih bila cestninska postaja in zavira... marsikod celo na prehitevalnem pasu ... In ugibam, da mu pac navigacija ali infotainment v avtu kaze se vedno podatek, da je tam hitrost omejena na 60 km/h ali pa ponekod celo na 40 km/h ...
No vam povem v petek, po urah intenzivnega tečaja, kako je to z "najnovejšo" šestko in zavorami in origoš bridgestonkami. Me zej prav zanima, kak se bomo odrezali, po vseh teh debatah tule gor.
Ce bos dal gor zimske gume (ali pa all season) bos med boljsimi... V nasi skupini prejsnji teden sta se obe vozili (Jeep Renegade in Skoda Yeti) s takimi gumami najbolje odrezali ... Pa Ford Raptor, ki pa je imel tudi AT "kramparce"
To pa zato, ker imajo skoraj vse Mazde poddimenzionirane zavore ... Res ne razumem, zakaj se na tem delu varcuje. To je moja edina vecja zamera tem avtom.
S hcerino trojko sta bila lani na poligonu na tecaju in je pri zaviranju bil med boljsimi v svoji skupini - se celo instruktor je pohvalil .... Bile pa so skoraj nove gume ...
Na CX-5 so bile ob nakupu gor Toyo ... in so za normalno voznjo cisto OK.. Sem pa pred nekaj dnevi na poligonu na Vranskem videl, da so sedaj, ko jih imam gor tretjo sezono, na mokri podlagi odrezale dokaj slabo. Od vseh v skupini sem imel najdaljse zavorne poti ... Tako da jih naslednje leto spomladi menjam ...
Spletna stran uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja funkcionalnosti in boljše uporabniške izkušnje spletnega mesta. Z uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate z uporabo piškotkov.
Verjetno vecinoma velja tudi za EU verzijo:
*[Except English] The translation of the message for back camera is not correct.
*The Maintenance notification function (except when using Flexible setting) may stop counting after replacing the instrument cluster. It resumes counting after factory reset operation.
*The speed limit for the other direction may appear in navigation screen. To correct, the map version must be 18Q4 or later in addition to CMU update.
*The phone number (including pause symbols) registered as a favorite may not be dialed and the “Loading” message continues.
*The Display Off function does not work if activated while a road name etc. is displayed at the top of the screen.
*The information (artist, title, album etc.) for a track in an USB audio device may not appear.
*[Ver. 70.00.110 or later] Certain USB audio devices (SONY NW-A45 and NW-A35 etc.) may not be recognized.
*Certain Android smartphones (HUAWEI P20, P30 Pro and Mate 20 Pro etc.) may not work as a USB audio device.
*Country information (such as alcohol limit etc.) in the navigation screen may not be correct. To correct, the country information has been removed in the latest version.
*The information (artist, title, album etc.) for an ogg format file in a USB audio device does not appear correctly.
*The play list may not work for a USB audio device with Android 9 or later OS.
*SiriusXM radio does not work properly. (SiriusXM cannot be selected, only certain channels appear in the list, the sound turns off and/or the center display shows an error message such as “Check SiriusXM Tuner” or “Unable to Connect to SiriusXM Radio”.) [Edit Tristan: Sirius als Radio gibt`s in der EU glaube ich nicht, daher für die EU irrelevant]
*The play list may not work for certain USB audio devices (HUAWEI P20 Pro with Android OS 8.1 etc.) when used as a USB audio device.
*The CMU may reboot when playing a CD/DVD.
*The CMU may reboot while driving.
*Changes for sound setting (Bass, Treble, Fade, Balance) may not be kept after going into sleep mode.
*[With Traffic Sign Recognition System (TSR)] While in ACC-ON mode, improper setting items (Speeding, Speed Limit) appear in the navigation setting.
*While playing tracks from a USB memory, artist and album names may appear as “unknown”.
*While playing tracks from a USB memory, certain mp3 file will not start showing “Loading” message.
*Some of the favorite destinations appear duplicated and may not allow editing or deleting.
*Right after starting the engine when trying to see the 360° view monitor screen, the black screen may continue for 20 seconds.
*When the transmission is shifted into Reverse, the rear view does not appear.
mazda CX-60 PHEV327 AWD AT Homura
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