Tudi tukaj je tako The warranty period given on the data sheet applies only to consumers. In the case of companies (purchase on invoice) always guarantee is 12 months. The service is carried out by an authorized service of the manufacturer if the product is officially distributed across the country, otherwise the complaint notification is done throughBludiode.com. Free shop performs a guarantee of at an authorized service of the manufacturer, the country of origin of the equipment. The customer must only provide a device for Bludiode.com Warranty can be extended while adding specific hardware to the basket, as far as possible. In the case of corporate customers, the time given when you buy, with the guarantee of 24 months, must be reduced by 12 months. Mah ku...grem v ?tacuno po single sim, z 24 meseci garancije, namre? sem heavy duty user telefona (?e vsakeg mi je nekaj za?tekal) ampak glede na to da ga imam ne sam za ?iht, ampak tudi na motorju za gps (v waterproof caseu) ki pa ne pomaga ni? saj so ob?utljivi na vlago kot dojen?ek na kremo...na pla?i muska, stalno v nekih ?epih, ruzakih, na letali??ih po skenerjih, posodah....za baterijo pa VoIP (skype for business, LTE..) lavfa non stop Da ne omenimo to da je vsaka aplikacija ?e odvisna od neta v ozadju. Bolj ko kensla? aplikacije preko mobi podatkov, bolj ne dela telefon... tako da Xperia bi morala malo ve? vzdr?ati Bom pogledal, do sedaj nisem na?el jasnega odgovora