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Vse objave uporabnika jures

  1. jures


    To si ti kaj sem pa jaz?
  2. jures

    Pohvalite se,...

    upam da vzdr?i do zadnjega vikenda - grem do Murterja po magistrali. ?eprav sneg ni ovira, SLO itak po avtocesti lahko obdela? anyone? Sem ?e omenil, stro?ek je futr + benz, ni? drugega za 2 ali 3 dni.
  3. jures


    To si ti kaj sem pa jaz?
  4. jures

    Zanimivi oglasi!

    avtomobil namenjen za dirke ali za dele.
  5. jures


    To si ti, kaj sem pa jaz?
  6. jures

    Jamralnik v2

    Saj mas lopato....
  7. jures


    To si ti, kaj sem pa jest?
  8. jures


    To si ti, kaj sem pa jest?
  9. jures

    Ugani kaj je na sliki...

    g. Pavlovi?
  10. jures

    Pohvalite se,...

    Vsedel na motor v jakni, kavbojkah, supergah, ga ?el registrirat v Kranj, pa ?e en krog ?ez ?KL vsekal.....6.1.2014
  11. jures

    Ugani kaj je na sliki...

    look closer (further)
  12. jures

    Ugani kaj je na sliki...

  13. jures

    Miatarji - Razno

    sram me je, da je v na?i po?tni ? tip je kao zbiratelj kadilakov pa to
  14. jures


    Ali ti da IP (ima router na?timan DNS?) - na pi?kru se ne vidi hieroglifov spodaj desnopa a ma? v internet settingsu druga?e kak proxy vpisan, ker ga rabi? drugje?
  15. pa ?e si lisac tudi za ceno dobi? kar je treba. moja mazda 780? alles inclusive in brez odbitne ze 3x zrihtana. In ?etudi sem dak 200? ve? za zavarovanje sem lahko iz teh 200? zrihtal avto za 3000? brez stro?kov
  16. jures

    Novi zakoni po 1.1.2005

    Takih je kar nekaj kri?i?? s pogojno zeleno in hkrati rde?o/zeleno za naprej
  17. not at Adriatic - MX5 nova farba, M6 I nove lu?i, hauba Swift....nikoli pla?al ali izgubil ni?. V?asih se spla?a pogledat kaj dobi? za ceno, ne samo kdo je najcenej?i.
  18. Jaz sem uporabil vandalizem in dobil obe novi luci iz nemcije za 300? kritih seveda.
  19. Pred nekaj meseci to predlagal.....qwerty nujno potrebujes nemca....
  20. jures

    Formula 1

    ?ez vikend sem bil v navezi s kolegi iz Francije (v grenoblu ima bull tehni?ni center) in so rekli, da je tole en velik medijski bullshit, ki ima sre?o da je Schumi napol mrtev - predvsem govorijo o smu?i??u. ta del smu?i??a je namre? del, ki povezuje 2 smu?i??i med seboj in je popolnoma odprt in nezavarovan - res da tam ni urejeno za smu?anje, ampak niti ni prepovedano.... ?e ve? ta del je polo?en in niti malo adrenalinski. To dokazuje tudi video - lepo se vidi smu?i??e desno in levo, vmes pa te skale in nobene ograje. ?e objasnitev posnetka - s tem da tam kjer so crte NI ograje v resnici
  21. jures

    Aktualni dogodki!

    you mean letter.......
  22. za tebe ko ima? Ds2 to pomeni adapter in celo cvikanje kablov original balastov, ker baje adapter ne opravlja dela. Te PLASTI?NA stekla so narejena za tiste ki imajo H1 vlo?i??e za ?arnico - kapi?? Stran metanje denarja 150? po?tnina, carina, davek, razmontiranje lu?i, jebanje, cvikanje.
  23. To je narejeno primarno za ameri?ke mazde s halogenkam! Daj preberi si ta tvoj plug and play OTHER GOOD INFO TO CHECK OUT: (By member "meelo") Just some more food for thought...I came across this thread on the HID Forums. After reading it, I would say just spend a little bit of time checking your projectors after you get them just in case anything described in the thread is not there before you put it in. This regards to the high beam solenoid...and random other things.... NOTES FOR D2S BULB STYLE MEMBERS: Ok, for the members with D2S style bulbs. being that this setup is made moreso designed for H1 equipped applications, there is an adapter that is needed as was mention prior. but it has been brought to my attention that although the adapters work just fine. they arent the best way to go. these are the adapters needed: the best way to do it would be (this was suggested by Matt @ TRS himself) for them to send the D2S members, since they're not as well made as the rest of the parts, brand new connectors where you would have to cut the outputs off your stock ballast and re-pin them with the brand new, proper connection to run the new bulbs. Yea this may not be a route some may want to take, but it has been suggested as the best case scenario for the D2S members. Of course if you would rather just get the adapters and do it that way, no harm no foul. just passing the info along. Q & A: Q: What would be the advantage of getting their bulb (morimoto mini H1)? A: The Morimoto bulbs come with a new 18 month warranty, are built with good precision so they'll give the best beam pattern, and are marginally brighter than most kit bulbs. However, its not required and may not make too much of a difference for some people to warranty the extra money on them. Q: Is the projector for only H1 bulbs or is there a D2S option? A: No, it is designed for H1 usage but there is an adapter that will allow D2S guys to use the setup Q: So these are plastic projectors? They haven't had any problems with heat? A: Only the front half of the projector is made of a high temp plastic, the rear side and solenoid assembly is all metal. Doesnt get too hot up front, so heat/melting is not a concern at all Q: Is this compatible with the 55W ballasts and is there warranty if used with 55w ballasts? A: No, no warranty if used with 55w HID kits, they run to hot. They probably wont cause any problems, but regardless we do not recommend them Q: What are the main advantages to this, over our stock projector unit? A: At minimum it's a projector properly designed for HID as opposed to our stock halogen projectors. Gives a much wider light pattern and doesn't glare in other drivers eyes. Aesthetically, nice clean cutoff. and there is a built in cover that when activated acts as a high beam. so you will have two high beams for extra light.
  24. jures


    Ce naredis zadevo po celi crti primerno ne samo na enem delu motorja potem ja. Dam en kontra primer, res da ni avto ampak suzuki v-strom 1000 je spljuvan po celi crti kot nevozen motor, no neravno nevozen ampak tezko vozen, medtem ko je mlajsi brat 650 en najpopularnejsih motorjev, ki je celo 2x bil motor leta v Nemciji. Na uspehu 650 so zeleli graditi z vecjim in mocnejsim, pa so se usteli... Se pravi da bi downsizeing motorja prisel prav vkolikor bi dali se alu body, plasticna okna, ozje gume itd itd itd....kar pa je nemogoce. Clovek ne more zaobiti fizike, za toliko kg je potrebno toliko konjev in navora v celotnem delovnem polju - pika. Ce je premalo ali prevec se zival ali matra ali ni izkorisceno. Pred nakupom swifta sem se smejal fiesti 1.0 in neki 50 konjev...kao neverjetna poraba, izjemna moc bla bla bla.....daj ti notri 4 osebe pa kak kufercek. Po moje jermene potrga preden doseze obrate
  25. jures

    Pohvalite se,...

    In si si vklopil sploh lte z novo sim????
  • Ustvari novo...

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