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A bo pol ati mazdo kupu?
Mi2 sva nazaj.....lahko recem samo vesela sva da sva OBA ziva....na?e zdravstvo je v pizdi.... 1. Iskanje parkinga, zaradi ure parkirava blizu za 1.5?/uro (naj bi bila pa tu 3 dni...) 1.Sprejem ob 09:00 bodite tocni 2. Ob 09:00: pediatrinja pride ob 11:00 lahko gresta se kam 3. Ponovno iskanje parkinga, po 50 min se nasmehne sreca pri novi pediatricni, 10 min stran pes 4. Prideva nazaj ob 10:50 5. Ob 11:30 a vi ste za sprejem? 6. Ob 12:00 greva v sobo kjer je ze 5 pacientov, ZL pozivi sobo takoj... 7. Veste gospod v pizamo ga ni treba obleci, ker ni prostora boste ponoci sli domov spat 8. Ob 13 koncno pride pediatrinja, ki pravi da bo najprej prebrala izvide, pokazala slkike z jesenic strokovnjakom, potem pa bodo rekli kaj bo potrebno. 9. Ce bo potrebna magnetna resonanca (tisto za kar naj bi mi2 prisla), bodo rezervirali anastezista (dopusti) in obvestili za datum. 10. 14:00 odhod domov... 11. Jutri ob 07:30 morava biti nazaj na viziti da pogledajo vsi dohtarji, potem pa obvestijo kdaj bi bila resonanca... Toliko o 3 dnevni hospitalizaciji..
Evo sedaj pa mene ne bo kar nekaj dni... mejte se
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvA78VOZkpc Tu je stebricek nad voznikom se popolnoma cel - kar lahko tudi pomeni da je pretrd in da voznik prevzema energijo Pa poglejmo se avto, ki je delan SAMO za ameriski trg...
http://www.amzs.si/?podrocje=18 Jaz vidim samo nas s spremembami v ceni.....
Boss...bencin gre gor zaradi svetovnega trenda IN tro?arin....na?o vlado boli k.....
Jutri gre bencin gor - potrjeno (Petrol insider, pravi da caka novo visino trosarin) No je pa malo tudi sel - 2 centa avtoplin gor, ampak vseeno ?akamo nove cene bencina.................
Tukaj ne, imam pa ze skoraj 100 nakupov (in prodaj) preko e-baya, ta trgovina ima ze 700 pozitivnih feedbackov, ni panike.
Novo vinjeto s celne strani se preko zascitne folije prelepis s prozornim obojestranskim selotejpom. Zunanjo stran za sipo mal po hlacah popas da se namucka. Et voila, vinjeta je za masovno uporabo ker gre dol in gor kot magnetna nalepka... Evo spet se bomo ?lepal... P.S. Sam ne uporabljam tega, mam pa namuckano letno avstrijsko ker sem vedel da bom menjal avto februarja, in sedaj jo med xedosko in cx7 menjam... , ker gre cx7 samo na smucanje xedoska pa je ze pol evrope videla. Torej priznam, goljufam Avstrijce...se ?lepam... Medtem ko se v Mad?arski ne morem, ker so pametni in moras vsakic preko neta (ali na pumpi) vnesti registrsko! Toliko o neumnih ciganih.............
Jaz sem Jamesa dal sedaj v Xedosko...prvo kar sem opazil so bili obrati na 1300... Ocitno res pomaga, sem moral dati nazaj na 700....
?estitke in dobrodo?li (avto je ?e bil tukaj )
Navigacija Garmin N?vi 350 in Adriaroute
jures je odgovoril na Boss-ovo teme v forumu Splošna debata
Ka pa ce se je tip preimenoval... -
Ves kako je to so avti, ki so Mazdi naredili ime. Moja Xeodska l.1993 ima malo rje na zadnji premi, drzi se ko pes je?a....optika je bila zadnji? 0-0, te?e kot dojen?kova ritka Moja CX-7 letnik 2008 pa ima ?e malo zascite na obeh premah............................... Mogo?e samo malo zglobe rok poglej ?e so v ?al?kah....stanejo pa 12? en...dele vse dobi?.
Zdej smo pa ze tak velecity, da mimo 3h shopping centrov do ?en?urja rabi? 30 min.... Nazaj k temi. Ce jaz prav razumem se 'stroka' boji da DPF ni za tiste, ki se vozijo po mestih...a ni tako, da ravno tu ljudje i??ejo manj?o porabo?
Navigacija Garmin N?vi 350 in Adriaroute
jures je odgovoril na Boss-ovo teme v forumu Splošna debata
Novi Garmini so za Yugo en velik ?it...karte so slabe manjsih (beri ala nase stare ceste) niso notri, naslovi so f pi...nujno je potrebna Adria Route ali sli?no poleg na kartici... Na Y v istri me je hotel izvoziti iz avtoceste kar po nadvozu, ki je samo pre?kal avtocesto, Garmin pa je imel tam izvoz....pa take... Jebat ga recesija, vsi sparajo.... -
aha jest pa cez luzo....drulovka
v sentviskem tunelu je zasmojeno... p.s. kje iz krana pa si ti? Najljub?i mi je zadnji odstavek... Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) Reducing diesel soot emissions by 80% Changes to new car emissions legislation scheduled for 2009, the so-called 'Euro 5' standards, will make particulate filters as commonplace in diesel car exhausts as catalytic converters are on petrol cars. The goal is an 80% reduction in diesel particulate (soot) emissions but the technology's not without problems ? AA patrols are already being called to cars with the particulate filter warning light illuminated (indicates a partial blockage). It's clear that changes to driving style may be required too for maximum benefit from these systems. How do they work? Diesel Particulate filters (DPF) or 'traps' do just that, they catch bits of soot in the exhaust. As with any filter (think of the bag in your vacuum cleaner) they have to be emptied regularly to maintain performance. For a DPF this process is called 'regeneration' ? the accumulated soot is burnt off at high temperature to leave only a tiny ash residue. Regeneration may be either passive or active. Passive regeneration Passive regeneration takes place automatically on motorway-type runs when the exhaust temperature is high. Many cars don't get this sort of use though so manufacturers have to design-in 'active' regeneration where the engine management computer (ECU) takes control of the process. Active regeneration When the soot loading in the filter reaches a set limit (about 45%) the ECU can make small adjustments to the fuel injection timing to increase the exhaust temperature and initiate regeneration. If the journey's a bit stop/start the regeneration may not complete and the warning light will illuminate to show that the DPF is partially blocked. It should be possible to start a complete regeneration and clear the warning light simply by driving for 10 minutes or so at speeds greater than 40mph. If you ignore the light and keep driving in a relatively slow, stop/start pattern soot loading will continue to build up until around 75% when you can expect to see other dashboard warning lights illuminate too. At this point driving at speed alone will not be sufficient and the car will have to go to a dealer for regeneration. Expensive repairs If warnings are still ignored and soot loading continues to increase then the most likely outcome will be a new DPF costing around ?1000. Mainly town based driving If your own car use is mainly town-based, stop/start driving it would be wise to choose petrol rather than risk the hassle of incomplete DPF regeneration. DPF additives The most common type of DPF features an integrated oxidising catalytic converter and is located very close to the engine where exhaust gases will still be relatively hot so that passive regeneration is possible. There's not always space close to the engine though so some manufacturers use a different type of DPF which relies on a fuel additive to lower the ignition temperature of the soot particles so that the DPF can be located further from the engine. The additive is stored in a separate tank and is automatically mixed with the fuel whenever you fill up. Tiny quantities are required though so a litre of additive should treat around 2800 litres of fuel, enough to cover 25,000 miles at 40mpg. With this type of DPF regeneration will be initiated by the ECU every 300 miles or so depending on vehicle use and will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. You shouldn't notice anything other than perhaps a puff of white smoke from the exhaust when the process is completed. AA experience We're seeing some evidence of these systems failing to regenerate too, even on cars used mainly on motorways. It seems that on cars with a very high sixth gear engine revs are too low to generate sufficient exhaust temperature. Occasional harder driving in lower gears should be sufficient to burn off the soot in such cases. Check the handbook If you buy a car with a DPF fitted it's important to read the relevant section of the vehicle handbook so that you understand exactly what actions to take if the warning light illuminates and how, if at all, your driving style may need to be adjusted to ensure maximum DPF efficiency and life.
Mazda 5 CD110 TX 2006 problemi, problemi...
jures je odgovoril na dav131313-ovo teme v forumu Tehnične težave, vzdrževanje in stroški
Jah takole prek interneta tezko rect, ocitno pa isto kot pri mojem P307, po nemski sem se peljal 20km/h kot da bi imel zadaj 30 tonsko prikolico..... pa so pol SW menjal in ne vem kaj se vse...cel motor... Jaz bi ti predlagal da peljes na Interclass in za zacetek prosis za najnovejsi software. To je bil tudi del rednega vpoklica (DPF problem) - zna bit da to zastonj naredijo -
Mazda 5 CD110 TX 2006 problemi, problemi...
jures je odgovoril na dav131313-ovo teme v forumu Tehnične težave, vzdrževanje in stroški
Problemi bi se morali potem prej pokazati.... Daj pojdi do ajvarja (Yavarje), ki ti je ponudil diagnostiko! Check engine imas ne se hecat s tem (vem da se ne), samo nekaj je hudo narobe. A pa sedaj s to lucko avto dela normalno ali spet nikamor ne gre?? Pa se nekaj a stalno na en servis hodis? Za foro se naredi neumnega in pojdi na drugega - Interclass na primer, lahko pa si tudi posten in poves da si na robu obupa ker je servis BTC f piz....in prosis za pomoc. -
Nej ti mama opravi?ilo napi?e....
Vedno dajo popust, sam ce si dal ze aro... Mene je zanimal kolk si dal ne kolk je na oglasu, po mje bi do 2.500 slo loh.
Koliko denarja si dal? Razen tiste vdrtine je ko nov... Ce dela vse in pametna cena se bos se dolgo vozil.