Sicer smo off topic, ampak zanimiva objava na UK forumu, kjer se sprasujejo isto: Hi All, Regarding the fuel computer/guage issues, don''t know if this may help. About 5 years back, we had a Picasso which had similar problems. Sounds like those on the 5 work in a similar way. Here''s some info I was given at the time. 1) The computer works purely in L/100km. It then does the math to convert to MPG. Rounding up/down can induce errors. 2) The sampling rates for the fuel sensor can also cause problems. On the Picasso, the fuel sensors were ''damped'' and only polled every 6 and 80 minutes. The damping being used to cancel errors caused when driving on windy/bumpy roads. 3) When filling, any thing under 6L would not be registered until the sensors are next polled. So stick 5litres in and drive on a straight road for 80 minutes before computer/guage finds the extra fuel. 4) The fuel guage may not be programmed linearly(?) The guage on the Picasso was a strip of 9 leds. I assumed each led = x litres. Not so, each was set to a different amount. If same on the 5, each section of the fuel guage will give differing miles per section. Hope that helps Pat Jaz danes dobim pofleshan avto pa bom porocal. na 5ki CD143 sem imel range po kompjuterju 950-1000 pri polnem tanku, pri 550 je bilo ze remaining 0 in poraba 6,2. V resnici sem naredil do 700km in pravi okoli 8.... Totalna ?tala....