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Vse objave uporabnika eye

  1. eye

    Dogajanje na avtocesti

    jst bi pa neki druzga raj vprasu .... zaradi cesa je voznik osebnega avtomobila sploh prisilno bremzal / ustavljal avtobus ?
  2. eye

    Jamralnik v2

    @Marko_mx-3: ja zalostno ni kej ... in pol mormo nekje "trenirat" sam kaj k se pa nektarei treningi vcasih zalostno koncajo
  3. eye

    Jamralnik v2

    Podobno situacijo sm imel vceraj na LJ obvoznici in sicer na razcepu za stajersko/dolenjska. ni bil auddl je pa bla hondica je pa slo cez 3 pasove pa ta 3 ni bil odstavn ... sej zgledal je noro ampak je slo res za milimetre ... tko da tega se jaz ne odobravam ... le zakaj ni bolj dostonih dirkalisc v slo .
  4. eye

    Film?ek o MX-3 iz japonske

    jst tud
  5. eye

    Film?ek o MX-3 iz japonske

    drugac pa upam da me ne bojo kregal k bo mal OT tisti k ste na FB in ki ste obozevalci mx3 je celo "group" mazda mx3
  6. eye

    Film?ek o MX-3 iz japonske

  7. eye

    Jamralnik v2

    @suicidal mal za salo mal zares a ti bo uspel narest 100k z temu avtom
  8. eye

    Tole je pa kr smeh

    FB Gangsta
  9. eye

    Pohvalite se,...

    ni se glih za hvalt s tem ampak morm pohvalt mojo kurbeto pac naletel na enga peugeota 607 res ta stvar od 607 leti po ravnini skor usel ampak ne vem pred golovcem grem mim pa itq na ritki tiste luci pol mal pred klancem dam u 4. na 6ko pa vidm da je kr neki zaostla ta stvar tko da sm bil res kr mal presenecn se 1x res ni to za hvalt V6-r0x
  10. eye

    Golf novi avto leta

    dejstvo je da je Golf SVETO v Sloveniji
  11. @Marko_mx-3 sm ze probu tole izvajanje z bucko pa nikakor ne gre se je kr cela zadevca majala tko da sm se bal da bom vse lepo po "thinsk" polomu
  12. jst vem da pr moji kurbeti ne gre in mi gre prou na ku*ac (al sm pa jst tok neumn pa ne znam) pa glih na voznikovi strani
  13. eye


    vse naj naj
  14. najbols da vsi vrnete izpite v znak protesta pa zacnete pesake al pa z kolesom naokol hodt/kolesart
  15. eye

    Golf novi avto leta

    nism se mogu zadrzat ..
  16. eye

    Pohvalite se,...

    jah kurc je treba se par stvari zrihtat najprej sam upam da bo res cimprej ...
  17. eye

    Pohvalite se,...

    @bolinoga full nuoro hudo ... neki podobnega imam jaz v nacrtu sam ne z mazdo
  18. eye

    Pohvalite se,...

  19. eye

    Mazda 3 1,6 Activka 2008

    in pol nej clovk kup nov avto ... sej mas vec dela kot pa z rabljenim
  20. eye

    slikce iz bordanja

    obsedenci z smucanjem in bordanjem ... drugac pa dobre fotke
  21. eye

    Pohvalite se,...

    @BOJ? si pa skromn sam 2 vip karte .. kaj pa za druge na forumu
  22. eye

    Pohvalite se,...

    morm pohvalt zenske no dons sm vidu par dobrih ritkic na presercu res da je zeljko joksimovic pel ...
  23. eye

    KAALman ima rojstni dan.

    vse naj naj
  24. eye


    mwa mwa mwa 2 all
  25. na kratko Definition of: RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) A disk subsystem that is used to increase performance or provide fault tolerance or both. RAID uses two or more ordinary hard disks and a RAID disk controller. In the past, RAID has also been implemented via software only. In the late 1980s, the term stood for "redundant array of inexpensive disks," being compared to large, expensive disks at the time. As hard disks became cheaper, the RAID Advisory Board changed "inexpensive" to "independent." Small and Large RAID subsystems come in all sizes from desktop units to floor-standing models (see NAS and SAN). Stand-alone units may include large amounts of cache as well as redundant power supplies. Initially used with servers, desktop PCs are increasingly being retrofitted by adding a RAID controller and extra IDE or SCSI disks. Newer motherboards often have RAID controllers. Disk Striping RAID improves performance by disk striping, which interleaves bytes or groups of bytes across multiple drives, so more than one disk is reading and writing simultaneously. Mirroring and Parity Fault tolerance is achieved by mirroring or parity. Mirroring is 100% duplication of the data on two drives (RAID 1). Parity is used to calculate the data in two drives and store the results on a third (RAID 3 or 5). After a failed drive is replaced, the RAID controller automatically rebuilds the lost data from the other two. RAID systems may have a spare drive (hot spare) ready and waiting to be the replacement for a drive that fails. The parity calculation is performed in the following manner: a bit from drive 1 is XOR'd with a bit from drive 2, and the result bit is stored on drive 3 (see OR for an explanation of XOR). RAID Levels RAID 0 - Speed (Widely Used) RAID level 0 is disk striping only, which interleaves data across multiple disks for performance. Widely used for gaming, RAID 0 has no safeguards against failure. RAID 1 - Fault Tolerance (Widely Used) Uses disk mirroring, which provides 100% duplication of data. Offers highest reliability, but doubles storage cost. RAID 1 is widely used in business applications. RAID 2 - Speed Instead of single bytes or groups of bytes (blocks), bits are interleaved (striped) across many disks. The Connection Machine used this technique, but this is rarely used because 39 disks are required. RAID 3 - Speed and Fault Tolerance Data are striped across three or more drives. Used to achieve the highest data transfer, because all drives operate in parallel. Using byte level striping, parity bits are stored on separate, dedicated drives. RAID 4 - Speed and Fault Tolerance Similar to RAID 3, but uses block level striping. Not often used. RAID 5 - Speed and Fault Tolerance (Widely Used) Data are striped across three or more drives for performance, and parity bits are used for fault tolerance. The parity bits from two drives are stored on a third drive and are interspersed with user data. RAID 5 is widely used in servers. RAID 6 - Speed and Fault Tolerance Highest reliability because it can recover from a failure of two disks, but not widely used. Similar to RAID 5, but performs two different parity computations or the same computation on overlapping subsets of the data. RAID 10, RAID 100 - Speed and Fault Tolerance RAID 10 is RAID 1 + 0. The drives are striped for performance (RAID 0), and all striped drives are duplicated (RAID 1) for fault tolerance. RAID 100 is RAID 10 + 0. It adds a layer of striping on top of two or more RAID 10 configurations for even more speed.
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