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    Honda CRX

Dosežki uporabnika Maja323


Novinec (1/14)



  1. Maja323

    JAP klub & forum

    Ne gre toliko za sam forum, kot za dejstvo, da bi potem tudi vozkiki Mazd (?lani) lahko koristili sponzorske popuste pri raznih firmah, imeli pa? vse tiste ugodnosti, ki jih ima KLUB. Ne vidim pa tudi, zakaj bi bil Mazda forum slab?i, ?e bi bil v sklopu ostalih forumov Japonskih vozil?? Saj se ne bi ni? zmanj?al, ni? se mu ne bi odvzelo...
  2. No, pa smo kon?no do?akali potrjeno uradno verzijo PRAVILNIKA v avtomobilskem pospe?evanju za leto 2006 !! Prosim, da vsa vpra?anja, mnenja,... pi?ete na forumu, od katerega je link ( ). Saj je sedaj ?e toliko teh forumov, da vseh ne morem ve? a?urno spremljati in slediti.
  3. Organizatorji drag race smo naredili svojo novo spletno stran: Stran ?e trenutno dodelujemo, boste pa od sedaj naprej na njej na?li VSE podatke o leganih DRAGih v Sloveniji ter sosednjih dr?avah. Na strani bo objavljen pravilnik za leto 2006. Objavljeni bodo datumi dirk ter vse pomembne novice o dirkah. Objavljene bodo vse novice od A?2005 v zvezi z dragi pri nas. Prav tako bo deloval tudi forum, na katerem bo tekla beseda o vsem mogo?em na to "dirka?ko" temo Torej vsi, ki se mislite v letu 2006 udele?evati drag vidimo na
  4. Stvar okusa Seveda stvar okusa. A srebrne gredo na dejansko vse barve avtomobilov. tudi srebrni avtomobili so jih dajali recimo na zadnjo ?ipo... V na?em klubu smo razdelili cca 150 srebrnih nalepk in le 50 ?rnih+belih skupaj!
  5. Iz izku?enj vam povem, da gredo na vse avte najbolj SREBRNE nalepke. Tudi ljudje jih imajo najraje
  6. Maja323

    Kaj ste vozili pred Mazdo

    Sedaj Mazdo in Hondo Prej: Honda CRX Esi 1.6 Opel Vectra 18 Lanca Dedra Alfa 155 Ford Probe Fiat Croma Citroen AX (prvi avtek)
  7. Maja323

    Sme?ne slike

    Kaj ?e bi sem not lepili vse sme?ne fotke?? Da se ne za vsako odpira nov topic??
  8. Maja323

    navija?ica za MAZDO

    Morali bi ?e najti kak?no drugo slikco. Isto imamo Honda?i ?e od leta 2002
  9. Evo ?e mene! Odkar Mazda brezhibno dela sem bolj malo tukaj! Tolikooooooooo dela, da ne utegnem vsak dan vseh forumov obletat
  10. ?isto z matemati?nega vidika, gre to takole nekako: KAJ naredi celoto(100%)? Kaj to pomeni dajati VE? kot 100%? Ste se kdaj vpra?ali, kaj mislijo ljudje, ko re?ejo da dajejo ve? kakor 100%? Prav gotovo je bi ?e vsak od nas vsaj enkrat na tistih sestankih, kjer nekdo od nas zahteva, da damo preko 100%. Kaj pa dose?i npr. 103%? Kaj pa to pomeni 100% v ?ivljenju? Predstavljam Vam enostavno matemati?no formulo, ki Vam bo, tako kakor je meni, pomagala najti odgovor na zgornja vpra?anja: ?e ?rkam A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z priredimo vrednosti na slede? na?in: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. Dobimo slede?e pomene: H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K (trdo delati) 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% in: K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E (znanje) 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% Ampak: A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E (odnos do dela) 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% in: B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T (saj veste kaj je to) 2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103% AMPAK poglej poglej kam te lahko poljubljanje pripelje...: A-S-S-K-I-S-S-I-N-G (slovensko: ritolizni?tvo) 1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118% Torej lahko z matemati?no gotovostjo trdimo, da nas TRDO DELO in ZNANJE pripeljeta zelo blizu cilja, pravi ODNOS DO DELA nas pripelje do ?elenega cilja... Toda le NAKLADANJE in RITOLIZNI?TVO, nas PO?ENE visoko preko vseh meja...
  11. Maja323


    Firma PORCSHE SLOVENIJE prodaja ?KODE!! En "stric", ki se ne trudi pretirano, da bi se nau?il Slovensko - je zgleda kupil "?kodi?ko" in sedaj se nekaj buni
  12. Maja323


    Saj to je poanta, da si ni n? naredil. Frajer?ek je pa le bil...
  13. Maja323


  14. Maja323

  15. Maja323

    Mercedes SLR v Sloveniji

    ?e nekaj slikc za "sline cedit" LOS ANGELES, CA - Is the world ready for yet another half-a-million-dollar supercar? Mercedes-Benz seems to think so, throwing their Tyrolean hats into the rarefied ring occupied by the muscular $281,00 Lamborghini Murcielago, the luscious $449,000 Porsche Carrera GT and the incredible $643,000 Ferrari Enzo. You may be pleased to know that the 2005 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren is a relative bargain at $441,000, offering a better value and, depending on your priorities, a smarter buy over those other high-dollar sports cars. Right. If you have $500K to spend on a car, several thousands of dollars are not going to matter much, are they? You're going to buy what you like. What might sway your decision are numbers; hard, fast, high ones to support bragging rights, and the 2005 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren has them aplenty. The most impressive are the power ratings. The SLR's AMG-developed engine, hand-assembled by a single engineer, is a supercharged 5.5-liter V8 churning out 626 horsepower and 575 lb.-ft. of torque, the latter available across a flat band between 3,250 and 5,000 rpm. Every SLR McLaren engine sports a plaque signed by the engineer who assembled it. If that doesn't astound your friends, perhaps this will - the V8 possesses enough kinetic energy to move the 3,732-pound carbon fiber-bodied coupe from zero to 60 mph in a mere 3.8 seconds. Top speed is over 207 mph; the usual European 155-mph limit has been waived, since the SLR will be assembled by its F1 racing partner McLaren in England and not on a Mercedes-Benz production line. Distributing the SLR's impressive power to the rear wheels is a five-speed automatic transmission that offers three settings: Comfort, Sport or Manual. Should you choose Manual mode, three more settings (Sport, SuperSport and Race) offer you exacting control over the gears. As the pinnacle of Mercedes-Benz technology, the SLR is not to be regarded as a mere straight-line muscle car; it was bred as a racecar, and its undercarriage is constructed accordingly. For example, exhaust pipes on each side of the car allow the Mercedes SLR to have a completely smooth undercarriage for greater aerodynamic efficiency. Double wishbone suspension components are located at all four corners, the geometry allowing for a slight negative camber for the best traction during high speed maneuvering. Stopping the vehicle are super-lightweight carbon-fiber ceramic 14-inch disc brakes that are heat resistant to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing the SLR to halt from 62 mph in a scant 114 feet. Aiding deceleration is an adaptive rear spoiler that flips up when the brakes are pressed at over 60 mph, providing extra downforce. Physics geeks, rejoice. Attending to your well being are a slew of safety nannies, including a tire pressure monitor, stability control, six airbags and even a BabySmart feature. Furthermore, the SLR McLaren is composed almost exclusively of carbon fiber composite, which serves well the aeronautics industry with its incredible strength and ultra-light mass - it's weight is claimed to be half that of steel but it's possessed with the ability to absorb four or five times more energy than traditional automotive body materials. Unlike a typical racecar, however, you'll find civilized fare inside the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, with leather upholstery covering most surfaces including the dashboard. Carbon and metallic accents brighten the interior, including an aluminum center panel embossed with the letters SLR and covering the controls for the Bose audio system. And looks? Well, let's just say that with its shapely hood, two-seater cab-rearward body design and gullwing doors, it's even more beguiling than the sexy Mercedes-Benz SL500. McLaren will produce 500 SLRs annually for seven years, and the waiting list is reportedly full through the middle of the decade, so don't get your hopes set high on owning one anytime soon. It will be the rarefied few, including Jay Leno who is the first North American customer for the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, who will be driving this technological marvel. 18/6/2006 je bila objavljena cena:435,000 ?
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