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Ne gre se samo za ta App, ampak tudi dostop na spletni strani MyMazda
A im kdo info zakaj My Mazda trenutno ni na voljo za Slovenijo?
ja uradno saj ves kako pa je neuradno, oba veva na katerem forumu bo verjetno ze prej kaksen link
ja, sedaj pa se samo cakamo na v55 za EU
si lastim FL model skoraj 2 tedna (le da imam 2.5 bencinca). Sem zelo zadovoljen z avtomatskim menjalnikom, je dosti boljsi kot prej v i40. Nic ne cukam prestavlja hitro in zelo "pametno". Vseeno pa se ne more priemrjat s kaksnim 8 stopenjskim menjalnikov v BMW ali Mercedesu. Jaz nikoli vec avta brez avtomatskega menjalnika, ceprav sem aktiven voznik
saj se racuna na to, da bo v kateri od naslednjih verzij vkljucen tudi Android Auto in CarPlay. V kodi je par stvari ze prirpavljenih.
mislim da je to problem iPhone-a
tudi odzivnost po pritisku na tipko ni ravno na vi?ku
Glede v55: Here is a comprehensive list of all the updates and bug fixes.... ? Navigation or other screen freezes or reboots. ? System does not recognize USB/SD card. ? Some menu of music source selection is greyed out. ? When using the call button on the cell phone to make a call, the call sound is short. ? Navigation turns to a black screen. ? Favourites disappear. ? Vehicle current position is not accurate enough. ? The compass screen is displayed, even though the SD card is installed. ? Speed limit warning does not beep. ? The map screen moves, even though the vehicle is stopped. ? A strange triangle or square graphic appears on the navigation screen. ? Vehicle marker deviates from real position when GPS reception is weak. ? Album art does not display with iPhone plugged into USB port. ? No display in rear view monitor. ? The clock does not work during GPS reception. ? USB device is rebooted with a specific type of music. ? The volume level of the navigation voice cannot be muted when turned to zero. ? Favourite settings (radio stations,navigation favourites,including HOME,Bluetooth pairing setting, sound adjustment, route setting, and warning setting) are reset when the CMU is re-programmed. ? For XM radio stations, favourites list displays only the channel numbers. ? Cannot make a call successfully using ?Voice Recognition? in French. ? Sound skips when playing music through Bluetooth connection. ? The navigation route guidance is not played after pairing iPhone 4s. ? Voice recognition fails after importing contacts with special characters ($,#,etc.) in the name (#MOM,$AM). ? The music volume bar is displayed while the navigation is guiding a trip. ? The compass screen is displayed, even though a SD card is inserted. ? Sound is heard even though MUTE is selected. ? The navigation screen is rebooted. ? Navigation guidance is wrong due to loss of GPS signal. ? The navigation system does not recognize the current location. ? The radio screen is fuzzy and the commander switch does not operate. ? Selecting a contact address causes the touchscreen to flash white. ? A message ?Invalid SD card? may appear on the centre display while using the navigation system. ? A black screen may be displayed while using the navigation system. ? A blue screen may be displayed just after turning the ignition to ACC/ON. ? The centre display does not boot up with a black screen. ? The centre display may flicker while using Wi-Fi connection. ? The navigation system sound volume cannot be changed. ? French pronunciation in voice guidance/wording of the navigation system is not correct.
temelji na Mazdi 2, torej ni mo?no pri?akovati nevem kak?ne velikosti
o novi verziji software-ja je govora
in kje imas tukaj podatek, da dela na MZD z verzijo 55?
pobozne zelje: android auto still not working
re?itev? saj pa deluje v skladu z navodili Druga?e pa sem noro zadovoljen z avtom, precej bolj kot prej z i40. Kvaliteta notranjosti je povsem druga raven. In ni mi ?al da sem vzel ?portno vzmetenje, ker se avto pelje kot po tirih, ni pa kaj dosti bolj trd.
Verjemi da sem vse mozno preizkusil, v nastavitvah samo dolocis ce so te funkcije aktivne in pa koliko casa.
Tocno tako, enako pise tudi v navodilih
sem to testiral vceraj zvecer. Saj je tocno tako tudi v navodilih opisano verzija 51 je
Je ze pri nas v salonih
jaz ravno vceraj prevzel novo Mazdo 6, ampak je ta funkcija Coming Home / Leaving Home neumno narejena in res ne deluje ce imas stikalo za luci na avtomatiki. Zakaj za boga moras rocno prestaviti na zasencene luci?!?!?! Torej ce vozim z lucmi na AUTO moram ko parkiram prestaviti stikalo na zasencene luci, potegniti rocko k sebi, da deluje Coming Home. Le ce je na AUTO deluje potem tudi Leaving Home funkcija. Bedarija. Pri mojem drugem avtu (Hyundai i40) dela vse ko imas na AUTO, torej ce ugasnes auto in so bile prej prizgane luci, ostanejo prizgane se dolocen cas in pa seveda brez problema nato deluje tudi Leaving home ko avto odklenes.
seveda ga ima. o?itno je v katalogu napaka. Kolikro vidim je tisto predprodajni katalog. v ceniku lepo pi?e (stran 3): http://www.mazda.de/assets/germany/01_broschueren/01_modelle/mazda6-preisliste.pdf
http://wot.motortrend.com/1504_we_hear_mazda_to_reveal_mazdaspeed3_this_year_with_300_hp_and_awd.html http://www.motoring.com.au/news/2015/small-passenger/mazda/3/new-mazda3-mps-and-cx-9-this-year-50741
z loncem
Tako, ladja z vozili, ki so namenjeni za dobavo v maju je pristala danes zjutraj v Belgiji. Sedaj pa samo cakanje, da jih spravijo v SLO.
navigacija Navigacija v Mazdah (infotainment, MZD Connect)
damci je odgovoril na sylver-ovo teme v forumu Splošna debata