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Pri kermu pa si dal odstranit dpf in kok moci mas trenutno na kok si ga se cena ce ni skrivnost?


Vse skupaj sem delal pri Tunercu iz Novega mesta. Je uredu de?ko. Meritve naredi pred in po optimizaciji.

Pridobil sem 31KM, tako da jih imam sedaj 169 (pred posegom je bilo namerjenih 138, o?itno sta dva konja ?e od?la v onostranstvo) in 60Nm navora, tako da sedaj zna?a 416Nm...

Pa vse skupaj se prestavi ?e malo ni?je, tako da je avto bolj pro?en in za?ne ?e prej pospe?evat...

Je pa tako, da iz pospe?evanja iz mesta, jaz osebno neke velike razlike ne opazim, bolj se pozna pridobljena mo? pri "lete?em ?tartu". Recimo v 6. prestavi od 160-190 je res opazna razlika sedaj..

Sem pa do sedaj naredil samo cca 150 kilometrov, tako da o kak?ni porabi in podobnih straveh ?e ne morem komentirat..




Vse skupaj sem delal pri Tunercu iz Novega mesta. Je uredu de?ko. Meritve naredi pred in po optimizaciji.

Pridobil sem 31KM, tako da jih imam sedaj 169 (pred posegom je bilo namerjenih 138, o?itno sta dva konja ?e od?la v onostranstvo) in 60Nm navora, tako da sedaj zna?a 416Nm...

Pa vse skupaj se prestavi ?e malo ni?je, tako da je avto bolj pro?en in za?ne ?e prej pospe?evat...

Je pa tako, da iz pospe?evanja iz mesta, jaz osebno neke velike razlike ne opazim, bolj se pozna pridobljena mo? pri "lete?em ?tartu". Recimo v 6. prestavi od 160-190 je res opazna razlika sedaj..

Sem pa do sedaj naredil samo cca 150 kilometrov, tako da o kak?ni porabi in podobnih straveh ?e ne morem komentirat..




No dj sporoci ko bos mal vec kilometrov naredu..kok oa je bila cena?

  • 1 mesec kasneje...

A mi kdo lahko zagotovi, da bo avto ?el skozi tehni?ni pregled, ?e odstranim DPF filter.






Saj ne merijo trdih delcev...

Jaz sem imel pred 10 dnevi teh.p. BREZ dpf-ja (odstranjen konec avgusta letos)

nobeden problem,... poleg tega pa avto sploh tako ne podkadi kot eni blebetajo.

  • 3 tedne kasneje...

neki novega glede DPF-a :blink:


DPF Removal to Become an MOT Failure


The MOT test for diesel vehicles is changing from February 2014. All diesel cars originally fitted with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) must have the DPF in place and operational during the MOT test. It if is missing then the vehicle will fail the test.


The current test only examines emissions but now technicians will have to check the filter is still present too. What we don’t yet know is if this includes modified units? For example, many companies just gut the internals but the original DPF remains. Our guess is that the vehicle would still pass on the visual inspection.


Some claim that removal is illegal citing that it contravenes the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulation 61 A, as it no longer meets emission standards applied to it when new. However, this is not always the case as there is growing evidence that DPF removal can lower emissions and even the hydrocarbon count. There are also many responsible owners that have chosen the have the DPF removed on their car whilst using a combustion catalyst to lower HCs further. The result is an engine that outputs less HC than when it had the original DPF fitted. Besides, have you ever been driving behind a diesel car that is going through a regeneration cycle? What is coming out the exhaust?!


Then there is the substantial power MPG increases to be had.

The Minister for roads, Robert Goodwill quoted: “I am very concerned that vehicles are being modified in a way that is clearly detrimental to people’s health and undoes the hard work car manufacturers have taken to improve emissions standards.


“This change to the MOT tests makes it clear ? if you have this filter removed from your car it will fail the test.”


A spokesperson from the Department for Transport told us that anyone that has had the filter removed will now have to a new one put back on their car in order to pass their next MOT test.


Ignorance is bliss. What is our view? As a responsible company we want to see emissions reduced. We achieve this every day with specialist fuel modification technologies. Whilst we accept and agree that DPF removal can increase hydrocarbon output it is not always the case. When a customer with a blocked DPF approaches us for help we give them the options, the pros and cons of each, so that they can make an informed decision. In-tank DPF cleaner versus Professional DPF clean versus DPF removal etc. If opting for removal then we advise the use of a combustion catalyst such AR6200 to lower the emissions. The result is lower HCs that before, additional power, improved MPG and no more black smoke from regular regeneration cycles.


Unfortunately this choice has now been taken away from the consumer, which is a shame for those that modify emissions control components in a responsible way.


neki novega glede DPF-a :blink:


DPF Removal to Become an MOT Failure


The MOT test for diesel vehicles is changing from February 2014. All diesel cars originally fitted with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) must have the DPF in place and operational during the MOT test. It if is missing then the vehicle will fail the test.


The current test only examines emissions but now technicians will have to check the filter is still present too. What we don’t yet know is if this includes modified units? For example, many companies just gut the internals but the original DPF remains. Our guess is that the vehicle would still pass on the visual inspection.


Some claim that removal is illegal citing that it contravenes the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulation 61 A, as it no longer meets emission standards applied to it when new. However, this is not always the case as there is growing evidence that DPF removal can lower emissions and even the hydrocarbon count. There are also many responsible owners that have chosen the have the DPF removed on their car whilst using a combustion catalyst to lower HCs further. The result is an engine that outputs less HC than when it had the original DPF fitted. Besides, have you ever been driving behind a diesel car that is going through a regeneration cycle? What is coming out the exhaust?!


Then there is the substantial power MPG increases to be had.

The Minister for roads, Robert Goodwill quoted: “I am very concerned that vehicles are being modified in a way that is clearly detrimental to people’s health and undoes the hard work car manufacturers have taken to improve emissions standards.


“This change to the MOT tests makes it clear ? if you have this filter removed from your car it will fail the test.”


A spokesperson from the Department for Transport told us that anyone that has had the filter removed will now have to a new one put back on their car in order to pass their next MOT test.


Ignorance is bliss. What is our view? As a responsible company we want to see emissions reduced. We achieve this every day with specialist fuel modification technologies. Whilst we accept and agree that DPF removal can increase hydrocarbon output it is not always the case. When a customer with a blocked DPF approaches us for help we give them the options, the pros and cons of each, so that they can make an informed decision. In-tank DPF cleaner versus Professional DPF clean versus DPF removal etc. If opting for removal then we advise the use of a combustion catalyst such AR6200 to lower the emissions. The result is lower HCs that before, additional power, improved MPG and no more black smoke from regular regeneration cycles.


Unfortunately this choice has now been taken away from the consumer, which is a shame for those that modify emissions control components in a responsible way.


Posledica forumov......

Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico


Pa dej ne serte, to NI problem v SLO, in nehite vse gor limat kar majo probleme angle?i in pa amerikanci ker so itaq omejeni tako kot js.

Kolega švaba mi je zadnjič rekel, ko sva se malo zapeljala z MPS.


"Life is too short, to drive slow-shitty cars."


Pa dej ne serte, to NI problem v SLO, in nehite vse gor limat kar majo probleme angle?i in pa amerikanci ker so itaq omejeni tako kot js.


Ja sam vedet moras, da ce en potem bodo kopiral znotraj eu. Se posebej v zahojeni slo.


Sicer pa nekak podpiram, dpf je nekaj kar se je razvilo z namenom in vlozkom.

Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico


Ja sam vedet moras, da ce en potem bodo kopiral znotraj eu. Se posebej v zahojeni slo.


Sicer pa nekak podpiram, dpf je nekaj kar se je razvilo z namenom in vlozkom.


dobrih lastnosti je bolj mal :zvizga:


dobrih lastnosti je bolj mal :zvizga:


Zato mas ti V6, mi pa cuvajo naravo. To je namen...

Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico


Zato mas ti V6, mi pa cuvajo naravo. To je namen...


tut js trenuto vozim ?e DPF, V6 pa ?e doooooolgooooooo ni v uporabi :zvizga:


kaj ti nuca ekologija, ki ti dela sranje po ma?ini :notworth: ista fora ekolo?kega sranja je EGR ventil... samo sranje, bom kmal objavu fotke kok se to vse zabije ;)


Merilne naprave za DPF se niso izumili. Lahko samo preverjajo ce je fizicno pristoten na avtu. Seveda ne morejo videt, ce je votel.


Meni na servisu vsakic dajo podatke, kako dela dpf in koliko je zabit s sajami, res pa to naredijo s testerjem. :harhar:

Mazda6 Sport CD 129 TE Plus-ex

Mazda6 SPC CD 150 Revolution


DPF Filtre je ?e vedno najceneje in najla?je ?istiti, pa ?e kak?ne bojazni s spremembo zakonodaje ne bo.


Ne, ?e se ti sesede satovje.


DPF Filtre je ?e vedno najceneje in najla?je ?istiti, pa ?e kak?ne bojazni s spremembo zakonodaje ne bo.


Brezpotrebna navlaka, ki ti lahko uni?i motor....

  • 4 tedne kasneje...

Evo, ?e "lu?ka" za DPF od ta nove ?estke.


I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers. (Woody Allen)


mah, ?e ti to vozi? kakor je treba ne ve? da ima dpf. Eni ga sicer spremljamo...

Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico


mah, ?e ti to vozi? kakor je treba ne ve? da ima dpf. Eni ga sicer spremljamo...


Kako to misli?, da ga spremlja??

I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers. (Woody Allen)


Kako to misli?, da ga spremlja??


Poglej v mojo temo preko obd, tocno vem kdaj se izvaja in na kolk km

Live your dreams, don't dream your life!

Se oproscan za topkaeske napale, ampk bolj ko le teledon pametem in moderin, manjse ma tipkivnico


?koda ker mi navaden tester ne prebere vseh napak. Mislim da je napisana, da ena napaka ni prebrana. V petek ?el do Lj po AC in spet, ?e v 3. ko sem ?el po AC, pri?ge se mi lu?ka DPF :closedeyes:

malo pogledam, vidim da je v regeneraciji. Po cca 30-40 km, je ?e vedno, edino lu?ka se mi ugasne po cca 20 km. Nekaj bo tukaj narobe, ko mi je ?el lampda sonda mi je zaznalo te?avo.

Ker bom v kratkem odstranil DPF filter, se spra?ujem da ni za to kriv kak drug senzor, baje da morajo vsi delati, da ti potem po odstranitvi ne dela ve? te?av..

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