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EGR ventil?

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to je ventil za kontrolo izpusnih plinov. Recimo da se ti ta ventil pokvar (npr zarad slabega goriva) potem najbrz ne bos naredu test emisij.


aha pozabu sem: Exhaust Gas Recirculator.

It's all fun and games 'til someone loses an eye, then it's just fun you can't see


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Mazda EGR Flow:

Low or Excessive?

“The 'defiant' car I will be picking on in this article is a 1999 Mazda Protege. This car had set a Code PO402 for excessive EGR flow, when in fact the problem was low flow.???

Since the inception of onboard diagnostics II (OBD-II), I have dealt with a large number of EGR flow codes on Asian vehicles. The code definitions seemed to make sense - until recently. If the code said "low flow," then there was low flow. Of course, there always has to be that one new system that comes along and defies logic.


The "defiant" car I will be picking on in this article is a 1999 Mazda Protegé. This car had set a Code P0402 for excessive EGR flow, when in fact the problem was low flow. I will explain later in the article.


Let's start at the beginning. Mazda's 1995-1998 models regularly set P0400 EGR flow codes on the Protege, 626 and Millenia. On these early OBD-II cars, Mazda monitored EGR flow with an EGR boost sensor. Usually a boost sensor was found on a turbocharged engine. If you have ever driven a 1.5 Litre Protege, you know it is not turbocharged.


Mazda's "boost sensor" is just a fancy name for a manifold air pressure (MAP) sensor. In conjunction with the boost sensor, Mazda uses a boost sensor solenoid to turn manifold vacuum on and off to the boost sensor, which allows it to be used either as a MAP sensor or a BARO sensor. The boost sensor has no vacuum signal to it the majority of the time and is used for BARO input. When the engine control module (ECM) decides to test for EGR flow, it energizes the boost sensor solenoid. This sends a manifold vacuum signal to the boost sensor and now the ECM can use it to monitor changes in manifold vacuum. The ECM rapidly opens and closes the EGR valve during a flow test and looks for changes in manifold vacuum. If it doesn't like what it sees, it sets a Code P0400.


An EGR flow test is usually run during closed throttle deceleration when manifold vacuum is high and steady. The common cause of P0400 codes on these early models is a plugged port in the intake plenum, which restricts the flow of exhaust gases and doesn't create the correct changes in manifold vacuum during a flow test. To fix, remove the throttle body and clean the ports in the intake plenum. There are two ports behind the throttle body where the EGR gases are dumped into the intake. One thing that can fool you during testing is that you can kill the engine at idle if you open the EGR valve. On most engines, this means that you have sufficient flow. But on these engines, one port can become plugged and the other can flow enough that it will kill the engine at idle when you open the valve. So don't use that as a test for good EGR flow.


Back to the 1999 Protegé and Code P0402 for excessive EGR flow ... "excessive" and "EGR flow" just don't seem to go together. Did Mazda come up with a self-cleaning EGR system? EGR ports get plugged and restrict flow, right? Even though the code says excessive flow, it's still the same problem.


Mazda changed the way it monitors EGR flow, starting with the 1999 models. There is still an EGR boost sensor and a boost sensor solenoid - the difference is in the pressure that the boost sensor is actually monitoring. Instead of the boost sensor monitoring intake manifold vacuum directly, this system measures the pressure in the port between the EGR valve and the intake manifold.


If the ECM doesn't like the pressure in that port, it will set a code. On these systems there is a port coming off the bottom of the EGR valve where the boost sensor hose gets its signal. Due to the location of the sensing port, when EGR ports become plugged, the ECM detects too much pressure in the sensing port and it thinks that there is excessive EGR flow. This sets a Code P0402. In this case, the fix is the same for excessive flow as it was for low flow on the early models: clean the ports in the intake plenium behind the throttle body.







?e nekaj sem na?el glede EGR


Exhaust gas recirculation

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Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is an NOx (Nitrogen oxide and Nitrogen Dioxide) reduction technique used in most Gasoline and Diesel engines.


EGR works by recirculating a 5-10% of an engine's exhaust gas back to the engine cylinders. Intermixing the incoming air with recirculated exhaust gas dilutes the mix with inert gas which slows the combustion, and lowers the peak temperatures. Because NOx formation progresses much faster at high temperatures, EGR serves to limit the generation of NOx. EGR valves remain closed at engine idle since the inert gas received from the EGR would not provide necessary power to keep an engine running at low RPM.


Recirculation is usually achieved by piping a route from the exhaust manifold to the inlet manifold, which is called external EGR. A control valve (EGR Valve) within the circuit regulates and times the gas flow. Some engine designs perform EGR by trapping exhaust gas within the cylinder by not fully expelling it during the exhaust stroke, which is called internal EGR.


In modern diesel engines, the EGR gas is cooled through a heat exchanger to allow the introduction of a greater mass of recirculated gas.

Guest BrainLess

no... tud jaz sem se spravil ?istit ta ventil...


Nisem ga jemal dol pa da bi poslikal ker je premrzlo in sem se zbal

za vse plasti?ne dele ki bi jih moral odstranit...


Kaj se je dogajalo

Pri v?igu so obrati normalno narastli nato pa zlo hitro padli in avto je crknil razen ?e si mu

pravo?asno dodal gas (pol je zapiskalo kot bi mel turbino), dokler se ni segrel oz parkrat spiskal ...


tud cukal je ob?asno pri odvzemanju gasa.. sploh menjavanju (tud pospe?ki so bli slab?i)

no... v glavnem

ta ventil se ko je zama?en ne more zapret in zarad tega bi naj avto crknil...


Mo?en razlog zama?itve je tud vo?nja pri prenizkih obratih :huh:


Mo?en razlog zama?itve je tud vo?nja pri prenizkih obratih :huh:


..kot tudi slabo gorivo

na hrvaskem (velja pa za dizel) so imeli ogromno tezav s temi ventili glih zaradi katastrofalnega goriva.

It's all fun and games 'til someone loses an eye, then it's just fun you can't see


no... tud jaz sem se spravil ?istit ta ventil...


Nisem ga jemal dol pa da bi poslikal ker je premrzlo in sem se zbal

za vse plasti?ne dele ki bi jih moral odstranit...


Kaj se je dogajalo

Pri v?igu so obrati normalno narastli nato pa zlo hitro padli in avto je crknil razen ?e si mu

pravo?asno dodal gas (pol je zapiskalo kot bi mel turbino), dokler se ni segrel oz parkrat spiskal ...


tud cukal je ob?asno pri odvzemanju gasa.. sploh menjavanju (tud pospe?ki so bli slab?i)

no... v glavnem

ta ventil se ko je zama?en ne more zapret in zarad tega bi naj avto crknil...


Mo?en razlog zama?itve je tud vo?nja pri prenizkih obratih :huh:


In kateri ventil je sedaj to Brainless?? Jaz bi ga tudi moral o?istit pa nevem kako in kaj, ker sploh nevem sedaj ve? kateri ventil je, pa bi mi lahko malo opisal postopek?? Prosim


Guest BrainLess

ker ?e stvar ni popolnoma urejena (?e vedo ni ?ist) bom verjetno v soboto narazen vzel pa poslikal..


  • 2 tedna kasneje...
Guest BrainLess

Sorry za zamudo mazda 323, ampak sem se ?ele v?eraj lotil zadeve..



Zdeva je v bistvu dokaj nezahtevna...



?e ho?e? prit zraven mora? (pri f ba modelu) odstranit akumulator in luftfilter z vsemi pripadajo?imi cevmi..



Pride? do egr ventila - priklopljen je na konektor in eno cevko ter privit z dvema vijakoma!

Ko odvije? ta 2 vijaka ga ?e ima? veni!



Sestavljen pa je iz membrane in tak?nega bati?a ki odpira in zapira ventil oz. 2 ?obi!

Kupi? spray za ?iu??enje izpu?nega sistema ter naspreja? v dovodno ?obo in z prstoma dviguje? membrano oz. bati?... zadevo parkrat ponovi? da se zadeva ??isti in lahko ga privije? nazaj...

Pazit more? da ne pozabi? na dihtungo... vsa umetnost!


edino POZOR


V teh mrzlih delih raje vzami kak?en fen ali kaj podobega da segreje? plasti?ne dele (cevke, cevi od luftfiltra) ker avto le ni ve? najmlaj?i in ti deli pokajo pri tak?nih temperaturah kot za ?alo!

Da nebo? imel ve? ?kode kot koristi!


Pa veselo ?raufanje :bravo:

  • 2 leti kasneje...

Da ne odpiram nove, bom raje obnovil staro temo.


Na avtu iz podpisa (16V, 54kw) se je pojavil slab prosti tek, v prostem teku kadi ?rno, ob?asno zamori motor pri pospe?evanju iz nizkih obratov in pa poraba je narasla za 3-4l, skratka me?anica je prebogata :(

Servis je bil pred okoli 1000 kilometri, so tudi skoraj nove sve?ke in filtri so vredu, ima tudi skoraj novo lambda sondo in injektorji so tudi ?e bili pre?i??eni.


Danes sem o?istil loputo za plin, jutri bom na ponastavil TP senzor, ?e ?e ?raufam bi pa rad ?e o?istil drugega morebitnega krivca, EGR ventil.


Problem, ki se pojavi je pa ta, da ga ne najdem. Prav tako na internetu nikjer ne najdem kak?ne dobre skice za ta 1.4 motor, Ameri?ani imajo v Protege-kah pove?ini samo 2.0 in ve?. Mi lahko kdo prosim pomaga, ?e ne drugega pove kje bi ta EGR senzor praviloma naj bil, na ve?ini avtov ga najdem brez problema, tukaj se mi pa ?isto ustavi.


Hvala in lp

99´ 323F 1.4


Ne rabim ve? pomo?i. Sem s?istil MAF in TP sensor ter TP ponastavil, zdaj dela kot nov. Priporo?am tudi ostalim, da letno ?istite MAF senzorje na starej?ih mazdah, 3 minute dela za nekaj kar se celo pozna.

Lokacija EGR ventila pa ostaja neznanka :D

99´ 323F 1.4


no danes sem se tudi jaz spravu iskat EGR ventil in najdem tole zadevco:



je to mogoce ta zadevca (je samo en vijak in nobene cevke)? oziroma ce moja mazda sploh ma ta ventil (l.90 1.6i)...ker to je blo odklopljeno, tak ce ma egr veze z izpusnimi plini pol zih ni to to, ker sem danes tehnicnega naredu brez najmansega problema..

no in ko to zadevco priklopim in zalaufam avto se obrati povi?ajo za 2000rpm ?zmeden? ,torej sko?jo na 3000rpm..

vsak nasvet pri iskanju tega ventila bo dobrodo?el :)



"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory."

EGR je tisti ventil, na katerega pride cevka (fi cca. 1cm) iz izpu?nega kolektorja - kovinska. Tak ventil je samo eden in ga ni problem najti. Nekateri ga odstranjujejo.


Gre se za idejo, da se dolo?en del izpu?nih plinov vrne v sesalni kolektor in s tem zmanj?a emisije. Odve?na te?a ?e mene vpra?ate :hohoho:


Tole se mi zdi da si na?el motor?ek prostega teka. Nisem pa ziher, ker 4cly ?e dolg nisem videl oz. ?raufal :P


Tole se mi zdi da si na?el motor?ek prostega teka. Nisem pa ziher, ker 4cly ?e dolg nisem videl oz. ?raufal :P


in ?emu slu?i motor?ek prostega teka?

"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory."

Uravnava ti hitrost obratov v prostem teku in da ne crkne ko stoji? na semaforju, ....


ampak pri meni je pa ta zadevca odkloplena, ali pa mam 2?
"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory."

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