LEPI Napisano 4. februar, 2006 Prijavi Napisano 4. februar, 2006 The Mazda Washu, Japanese for Eagle's Wing, is an innovative six-seat concept that presents a new genre of vehicles. It is well proportioned and features Mazda's product DNA in every aspect of the vehicle. Low and sleek, the six-seat concept also works to tear down the barriers that traditionally separate sports cars and family cars. Modern proportions combined with the wide, low-slung layout are applied to the exterior. The beltline extends slightly outward to provide a sense of enhanced interior spaciousness, while the glass area is maximized by reaching upward to the roof to provide an open, airy feeling in the cabin. The roof also incorporates extensive glass area to further enhance the spacious feeling. The exterior design has been evolved through an elimination of side mirrors and the use of sleek LED headlamps. In addition, the LED headlamps are equipped with an Automatic Focusing System (AFS) linked to the vehicle's steering mechanism. This system enhances visibility while cornering at night by adjusting the direction of the light as the vehicles steers through a corner. The 'airplane doors' first open outward and then slide rearward. With the sliding door fully extended, the doors provide an opening that measures 1,100mm across, with an additional 400-mm opening in the roof section. This allows passengers to enter the vehicle in an almost upright position, making it dramatically easier. The Washu concept benefits from a low, flat floor and long wheelbase, both of which help to maximize interior space. The seats in the Washu are captain's chairs and can be arranged in a flexible manner to accommodate a variety of passenger and cargo-carrying chores. The middle pair of seats is electrically powered and can be independently moved fore-and-aft a full 645mm. The seats can also slide to the side to allow easier access to the rearmost seats. Eliminating the need for a traditional steering shaft, steer-by-wire technology also makes it possible to neatly store the steering wheel inside the instrument panel when the vehicle is parked. Further, the adjustable instrument panel makes access to the front of the car more convenient, as it can be moved upward a full 300mm - and steering wheel stowed - making getting in or out of the front seats particularly easy. In addition to this, from the stowed position, an ID card is used to automatically deploy the instrument panel and steering wheel into the driving position. Citiraj
M-Fan Napisano 4. februar, 2006 Prijavi Napisano 4. februar, 2006 mislem da bo za tale model te?ko naredit konkurenco.... velik jih je ?e probal tak avto narest pa mislem da so kr precej zadi. odvisno bo velik tut od cene Washu-ja. sam najbr? ne bo nikol v serijski izdelavi... al pa se motm? zanimiva stvarca! zanima me kako se bojo na to odzvali nemci, predvsem pa francozi. Citiraj ...::RX-8 LEPOTICA IN ZVER::...
M-Fan Napisano 4. februar, 2006 Prijavi Napisano 4. februar, 2006 sam enepar slikc... Citiraj ...::RX-8 LEPOTICA IN ZVER::...
Symon Napisano 4. februar, 2006 Prijavi Napisano 4. februar, 2006 ?e nekaj takega pride ven zna biti kar hit. Videti je zelo prostoren in uporaben, samo volan naj ?e urihtajo, ker mi "smrdi". Pa kako izgleda, ko se vse odpre. Vesoljska ladija. ?eprav, ko je vse zaprto pa izgleda dizajn premalo drzen. Morda bi mu pasal bolj aerodinami?en prednji del? Citiraj
YavarYe X6V6 Napisano 4. februar, 2006 Prijavi Napisano 4. februar, 2006 Kupim TAKOJ! Citiraj Kolega švaba mi je zadnjič rekel, ko sva se malo zapeljala z MPS. "Life is too short, to drive slow-shitty cars."
uklopko Napisano 5. februar, 2006 Prijavi Napisano 5. februar, 2006 ?e mal pa se bojo avti res v robota spreminjal! Drga? ma pa ta avto zihr eno velko prednost..........ob nesre?i ta gasilci ne rabjo vn rezat k itak razpade na pra faktorje k je iz tokih premi?nih delov narejen!!! drga? pa za u na?e rovte bi kr bil!!!(bi kmper vozu z nim) P.S. men ni u?e? LP Citiraj 20% mladih vidi svojo prihodnost zelo ro?nato-ostalih 80% pa nima denarja za nakup droge!!FWD je za ?enske, RWD je za mo?ke, 4WD pa je za invalide
David Napisano 5. februar, 2006 Prijavi Napisano 5. februar, 2006 O bljak....to pa res ni lepo.... Le kam grejo te smernice novodobnega avtomobilizma... vesoljci.press.... LP dAvid Citiraj Feel free....
poky Napisano 6. februar, 2006 Prijavi Napisano 6. februar, 2006 Tolko vrat za odpret,da se ?lovek ve? ne znajde... Sicer pa kr uporabna stvarca! Citiraj Ti?a vun!! Eni pijejo vsak dan,eni bolj poredko,eni pa kuj iz fla?e!!
M-Fan Napisano 7. februar, 2006 Prijavi Napisano 7. februar, 2006 O bljak....to pa res ni lepo.... Le kam grejo te smernice novodobnega avtomobilizma...vesoljci.press.... LP dAvid Se popolnoma strinjam. Ko je PT chrysler vn pr?u, sm bil ?e vesel da se disajn spet vra?a na oldtimerje. Sam pol ko sm pa gledu tiste citroene, pa nova Honda Civic..... ABSURD!!!!!! Mazda 6 je zame trenutno najlep?i v svojem razredu, upam da je ne bojo naslednje za marsovce nardil-tko k ste rekl, vse je nekam vesoljsko.... Ah, ?koda besed, sam sm res razo?aran! Citiraj ...::RX-8 LEPOTICA IN ZVER::...
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