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  • Zadnja sporočila

    • Ampak, ali govoriš o 005, ali o 005A?    In tale tvoj link pravi, da so narejene v Evropi. Naše so Made in Japan??? Ima to kaj veze, kje so narejene tvoje?  
    • Nisva sla nit blizu tam   Ziri -> Smrecje -> Stolp -> Zaplana -> Rovte -> Ziri:
    • jaz bom naslednje šel nazaj na Toyo   Toyo Proxes Sport 2 - Tyre Reviews And Ratings WWW.TYREREVIEWS.COM Will the toyo Proxes Sport 2 suit your car? Find the best tyre for your car read 5 reviews for toyo Proxes Sport 2 and compare to other Ultra...  
    • Zato, ker so to slabe guma na mokrem pa A gor ali dol. 😉 Mnenja voznikov:   By far the worst tire I had in the wet, borderline dangerous. Driving comfort average at best. On dry it grips really well, but man, in the wet, oh my. Had them on new CX 30, changed them immediately for all season Continental AllSeasonContact 2. Huge difference in wet grip, and in comfort. I can recommend these Bridgestones only for someone living and driving in an area where you don't get much rain.   Še eden:.    I have to say I've never had so bad tires in my 25 years of driving on any of our cars than these Bridgestone Turanza T005 tires. Bought them 3 years ago, they only lasted 25000 miles. No grip at all, stopping power is basically zero (abs kicks in most of the times) at the smallest rain the tires are skidding in roundabouts, tires spinning out in wet conditions, these shouldn't be road legal! The 8mm thread went down to almost below legal now after 25000 miles. Had Michelin Primacy 3 before and they lasted for almost twice as long. Tyre on passenger side tends to spin out on our Audi A3 Sportback, these tires were made in Hungary and Turkey so don't buy any of these!. Never again.   Pa tale: After 21000miles and 5years the tires have excessive wear The wet grip is non-existent from the 1st day. The dry grip is average while there spin a lot when accelerating sharply. Definitely I'll not buy again.   These tires don’t last. Had to replace at around 10,000 miles. Inner tread wear was extreme.
    • Ljudje se počasi tudi o svojih Teslah to sprašujejo. Enkrat zjutraj bo vse izključeno in boš lahko dobil nazaj  samo proti plačilu.
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