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A obstaja, oziroma ?e kdo ve, ali je tudi v sloven??ini za MAZDO kak?na taka zveza, kot recimo za



T - ovarna

O - odpadnih

M - otorjev in

O - ostalih

S - novi


ali pa za primer ?e nekaj izven avtomobilizma...


A - jde

I - demo

D - a

S - eksamo




Nekaj sem jih neo? v angle??ini dobil... ma sem naslov pozabil... :whatever:

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BMW-Bayerische Motor Wurst


BMW-Bumms Mal Wieder




DINOS-Drek In Nesnago Odpelje Stanko/Sebo/Simon/Sandi/sosed :D



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Za Mazdo vem da je to edina tovarna avtomobilov na sveta katera je ime dala po bogu. Mazda je bil neki japosnki bog.


Za foro ne vem, vam pa kaj pomeni v hrvascini DITD


D obro

I de

T aj

D iesel


Moj Avto - Zverina Divjih Antilop :)

voli vas Don




Viva Revolucion - Viva Mazda, Manuel !

Povezava do vsebine
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Za Mazdo vem da je to edina tovarna avtomobilov na sveta katera je ime dala po bogu. Mazda je bil neki japosnki bog.


Za foro ne vem, vam pa kaj pomeni v hrvascini DITD


D obro

I de

T aj

D iesel


Moj Avto - Zverina Divjih Antilop :)

KMEEE Wrong! :)

Ahura Mazda je bilo Perzijsko proro?anstvo. Osnovao ga Zaratustra, njegovo vjerojvanje o borbi dobra i zla, Ahura mazda je naravno na strani dobra in se "?titi" plamenom, zato je mazda imala takav logo neko vrijeme ;)

One day you are born,

The next big milestone

you discover go zoom-zoom

you can't get enough!

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  • 10 let kasneje...

AUDI : Another Ugly Deutsche Invention 
BMW : Brings Me Women, Be My Wife, Bought My Wife 
FIAT : Failure in Italian Automotive Technology , Fix It Again Tony 
FORD : Fix Or Repair Daily 
SAAB : Shape Appears Ass-Backwards 
HYUNDAI : Hope You Understand Nothing's Driveable And Inexpensive... 
VOLVO : Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object 
PORSCHE : Proof Of Rich Spoiled Children Having Everything 

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              mazda CX-60 PHEV327 AWD AT Homura

Poraba (bencin)                        Poraba (elektrika)

Mazda CX-60 Startup animation2.gif


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Pa ?e cel kup tega:



Another Crummy, Useless, Rotten Automobile
Asia's Curse Upon Rural America
All Makes Combined
A Major Cost
A Mutated Car
A Morons Car
Another Major Catastrophe
A Man's Car
A Miss Conception
All Muscle Car
All Most Car
Annoying Mechanics Constantly
Automotive Mental Cruelty
Always Unsafe Designs Implemented
Accelerates Under Demonic Influence
Automobile Under Demonic Influence
Another Ugly Deutsche Invention
Always Undermining Deutsche Intelligence
Automobile Unsafe Designs, Inc.
All Unnecessary Devices Installed
Big Money Works
Bought My Wife
Brutal Money Waster
Break My Window
Break My Windshield
Babbling Mechanical Wench
Beastly Monstrous Wonder
Beautiful Masterpieces on Wheels
Beautiful Mechanical Wonder
Barely Moving Wreck
Big Money Waste
Big Money. Why?
Big Money Works
Born Moderately Wealthy
Breaks Most Wrenches
Bring Many Wrenches
Brings Me Women
Brings More Women
Broken Money Waster
Broke My Wallet
Broken Monstrous Wonder
Bumbling Mechanical Wretch
Blasphemous Motorized Wreck
Bavarian Manure Wagon
Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer
Big Ugly Imitation Chrome King
Can A Mechanic Actually Repair One??
Can't America Make A Real One?
Chevrolet Assembled Mustang And Repaired Often
Could Always Manufacture And Recall Often
Can Hear Every Valve Rap On Long Extended Trips
Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time
Cracked Heads, Every Valve Rattles, Oil Leaks Every Time
Constantly Having Every Vehicle Recalled Over Lousy Engineering Techniques
Condition Hopeless, Entire Vehicle Relies On Leftover Engine Technology
Drips Oil, Drops Grease Everywhere
Damn Old Dirty Gas Eater
Dead Old Dog Going East
Dead On Day Guarantee Expires
Dead On Delivery, Go Easy
Dead On Delivery, Guarantee Expired
Dead Or Dying Garbage Emitter
Dear Old Dads Garage Experiment
Daily Overhauls Do Get Expensive
Every Day Something Else Leaks
Every Day Some Engineer Laughs
Failure in Italian Automotive Technology
Fix It Again, Tony
Fix It All the Time
Found In A Toilet
Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation
Frigin' Old Rebuilt Dodge
Fix Or Repair Daily
Found On Road Dead
Fast Only Rolling Downhill
First On Race Day
First On Recall Day
Fabricated Of Refried Dung
Fails On Rainy Days
Fantastically Orgasmic Realistic Dream
Fatally Obese Redneck Driver
Fault Of R&D
Finally Obsolete Racing Device
Fireball On Rear Denting
First On Road to Dump
First On Rust and Deterioration
Fix Or Recycle Dilemma
Flipping Over Results in Death
Flipped Over Roadside Disaster
Follow Our Rusty Dogsled
Foot On Road Decelerates
Forced On Reluctant Drivers
Formed Of Rejected DNA
Forwarded Once; Return Denied
Forward Only; Reverse Defective
Forlorn, Old, Ratridden Dustbin
Fork Over Repair Dough
Fouled Out Re-done Dodge
Frequent Overhaul, Rapid Deterioration
Free Or Reduced Drastically
Frequent Opinion: Really Disappointed
Fumes and Odors Readily Detectable
Funny Old Rattling Dump
Forget Out Running Dale (Earnhardt or Jarrett)
Features O.J. and Ron`s DNA
Found Out-Right Dangerous
Future Of Racings Delight
(backwards) Driver Returns On Foot
(backwards) Dumb Rednecks Own Fords
Lacks Total Dependability
Lots To Do
Looses Transmissions Daily
Good Engineering Overlooked 
General Maintenance
Great Mistake
Garbage Motors
Generally Miserable
Grossly Misconceived
Gluteus Maximus
Good Money
Goofy's Manufacturing
Gone Mental
Grief & Misery Combined
Garage Man's Companion
Gotta Mechanic Coming?
Generally Mediocre Cars
Get More Chicks
Gets Mechanics Crazy
Gods Mechanical Curse
Got More Crap
Great Mountain Climber
Great Motor Car
God Made Chevy
Good Moron Car
Got Mine Cheap
Get My Checkbook
Gone Mad Corp.
Gas, Tires, Oil
Get Tools Out
Get To Onramp
Good To Own
Get The Others
Generally Trashed Out
Good Time Out
Gone To Overdrive
Honest Officer, Nobody Drank Anything
Had One Never Did Again
Hang On, Not Done Accelerating
Hallmark Of Non-Descript Automobiles
Hallmark Of Non-Destructable Automobiles
History Of No Dramatic Acceleration
How Odd, No Darn Acceleration?
PRELUDE: Pistons Rattle, Engine Locks Up, Differential Explodes
Hope You Understand Nothing's Driveable And Inexpensive... 
Just Eats Every Part
Just Empty Every Pocket
Junk Engineering Executed Poorly
Jumps Extremely Excitedly over Potholes
Jinxed Engine has Extra Parts
Kick It Around
Kick It Again
Killed In Action
Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious 
MAZDA: Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along 
Money Guzzler
Mostly Garaged
Major Goof
MGB: Might Go Backwards
MGB: Might Go, But . . .
MGB: Motor Going Bad
MGF: Might Go Forward
My Intention: Always To Accelerate 
Many Odd Parts Arranged Randomly
Miscellaneous Oddball Parts Assembled Ridiculously
Most Often Passed At Races
Mostly Old Parts And Rust
Move Over People Are Racing
Move Over, Plymouth Approaching Rapidly
My Old Pig Ain't Running
My Only Problems Are Repairs
Mechanics Offer Pinto As Replacement
More Often Parts Are Replaced
Motor Under Strain, Transmission Almost No Good
Massivly Under Sized Tires And No Go
Maybe Under Serious Thought Another No Go
Maybe Under Serious Thought Another Nice GTO
Old Ladies Driving Slowly, Making Others Behind Infuriatingly Late Everyday
Overpriced, Leisurely Driven Sedan Made Of Buick's Irregular Leftover Equipment
Put In Nickel To Operate
Paid Inspector Nicely To Overlook
Put In New Transmission Often
Pushed In Neutral Too Often
Plan On Numerous Trips In Another Car
Poor Old Numbskull Thinks Its A Cadillac
Proof Of Rich Spoiled Children Having Everything
Pulled Over Regularly So Cops Have Enough
Send Another Automobile Back
Swedish Automobiles Always Breakdown
Sad Attempt At Beauty
Sorry Auto, Always Broken
Shape Appears Ass-Backwards
Screwed Up Beyond All Repair Usually 
Too Often Yankees Overprice This Auto
Torturous On Your Old Tired Ass
The One You Ought To Avoid
This Really Is Unreliable Man, Please Help!
Tried Repairing It Until My Parts Hurt!
Tools Required 
VOLVO: Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object 
Vintage Wreck
Virtually Worthless



              mazda CX-60 PHEV327 AWD AT Homura

Poraba (bencin)                        Poraba (elektrika)

Mazda CX-60 Startup animation2.gif


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  • Zadnja sporočila

    • Top GPU pa evga itq top firma. Rami so pa tridentz? Imam iste hehe Menda so nehal delat gpuje so se skregali neki z nvideo,ce sem prav slisal. EVGA ima isto top napajalnike.
    • ...Slim   Leti kot ura. Res tiha zadevščina. Kupil sem jo samo zaradi vehunskega hlajenja. Kom iz red light districta?   Ne me tepst, moral sem....
    • Takole imam pa osvetlitev. Je Glih tolk da malo sveti pa se to temne barve    
    • 3080 in 4080 imata obe 320 TDP, vendar je 4080 pač bolj zmogljiva za cca +50%, primerjava FE.    EVGA je mela top GPUje. Imam 3080 FTW3. 
    • Adijo pamet je "doterano o konca"...taka hlajenja sem mislil...taka so se nekdaj prodajala za nadgradnjo. In ker proizvajalci sedaj to ponujajo,je tudi ponudba posebaj GPU hladilnikov praktično izginila.   Upam,da nisem bil preveč žaljiv v mojem prejšnjem komentarju (ni bilo tako mišljeno),ker praktično vsi gamerji imajo takšne sisteme,kot sem jih opisal. Problem je večinoma v denarju...tip kupi vse komponente,za čim manj cvenka,sestavi...čez leto-dve pa misli,kako bo izboljšal sistem,če kupi vodno za CPU. In tukaj je v mojih očeh "sfalitek" za cvenk. Če je CPU tako hlajen,da ne gre v thermal throttling,po tem bi ta cvenk bil bolje investiran v boljšo grafo z boljšim hladilnikom,boljši CPU itd... Ker če gledaš lih performance LeGrand Macho dobrih 57€ tak hladilnik,da brez problema naviješ CPU in ti ga ne bo tudi če vzameš v zakup npr.10-20° že na začetku vzameš cenejsi CPU brez hladilnika,in ti ostane cvenk za močnejso koncu imaš za isti cvenk boljši sistem.   Res je,da so AiO vodna hlajenja postala že izjemno poceni...od cca.80€ naprej 240ka itd... A je tudi res,da je razlog,za kaj je tak sistem "poceni"...a tega se nihče ne vpraša (mislim kvaliteto pumpe in zanesljivost sistema). Za to pa sem prej pisal,da taki sistemi zame ne pridejo v upoštev.  
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