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Mazda 323f zadnji zvo?niki

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Postal sem ponosen lastnik 5 vratne Mazde 323f l.2002 in nikakor ne najdem zadnjih zvo?nikov.

Prej sem imel sedanko in zvo?niki so bili v fiksni zadnji polici. Tukaj pa je levo in desno od odstranljive zadnje police plastika brez kakr?nihkoli re?. Radio dela na sprednje zvo?nike v vratih, ?ice so priklopljene original za 4 zvo?nike, a je mo?no, da jih ta model sploh nima.


LP Damjan


Poglej ?e so v zadnjih vratih, pri nogah


Res so v zadnjih tapetah luknjice, ki nakazujejo da je pod njimi prostor za zvo?nike, vendar zvo?nikov tam ni, sem pokukal pod tapeto.

Torej ?e enkrat ali je ta model mazde 323 sploh imel zadnje zvo?nike.


Res so v zadnjih tapetah luknjice, ki nakazujejo da je pod njimi prostor za zvo?nike, vendar zvo?nikov tam ni, sem pokukal pod tapeto.

Torej ?e enkrat ali je ta model mazde 323 sploh imel zadnje zvo?nike.


pri moji 323f BJ so zadnji zvo?niki v zadnjih vratih pri nogah! in sekajo ko hudi? :D kdo bi si mislil da original zvo?niki tako sekajo! sicer pa je moja letnik 2000 tko da nevem kako majo pa pri 2002 letniku!


pri moji 323f BJ so zadnji zvo?niki v zadnjih vratih pri nogah! in sekajo ko hudi? :D kdo bi si mislil da original zvo?niki tako sekajo! sicer pa je moja letnik 2000 tko da nevem kako majo pa pri 2002 letniku!


Verjetno je pri obeh enako, saj so zadnji modeli do?iveli le kozmeti?ne popravke.

Ali mogo?e ve? so tvoji zadaj ovalni ali okrogli?


Tut v moji Mazdi, letnik 02 ni zadnjih zvo?nikov. Razmi?ljam, da bi kupu pa namontiru notr 2 zvo?nika uzadi, sam upam da so kabli ?e napeljani do zadnih vrat. A kdo ?e slu?ajn pre?ekiru kaka je situacija s kabli ?


Tut v moji Mazdi, letnik 02 ni zadnjih zvo?nikov. Razmi?ljam, da bi kupu pa namontiru notr 2 zvo?nika uzadi, sam upam da so kabli ?e napeljani do zadnih vrat. A kdo ?e slu?ajn pre?ekiru kaka je situacija s kabli ?


father je naredu lukne u polici pa dal ovalne zvo?nike noter, pa je bil problem re?en, kable si je pa tut sam napelu


Verjetno je pri obeh enako, saj so zadnji modeli do?iveli le kozmeti?ne popravke.

Ali mogo?e ve? so tvoji zadaj ovalni ali okrogli?



za zadaj nevem kak?ni so! spredaj vem da so ovalci!


spredaj so ovalci zadaj pa pridejo okrogli 16 cm

Vsaj tako je imela moja 323BA



20% mladih vidi svojo prihodnost zelo ro?nato-ostalih 80% pa nima denarja za nakup droge!!

FWD je za ?enske, RWD je za mo?ke, 4WD pa je za invalide


same shit!!




NOTE! 5x7"s and 6x8"s speakers are totaly interchangable as far as aftermarket speakers are concerned. So if you have a car with 5x7" speakers you can replace them with 6x8" speakers.


OVAL vs. ROUND: Many Mazdas come with oval (5x7",6x8",6x9") shaped speakers. If you want high-end components you may find they only come in 5.25" and 6.5". The good news is that you can install these with a little extra work. See this how-to for details on installing 6.5" speakers.

You can also purchase abs plastic adapters but these will not account for mounting depth issues with large drivers.


2003 Mazda Speed Protege

Front 5x7" @ 2.75"

* Can use 6x8"s, see note above.

* Can also use 5.25"s or 6.5"s with additional work, see note above.

Front seperate tweeters by mirrors.

Rear 6" @ 4.25", 6" speakers fit the best and 6 1/2" can fit by cutting the rain guard.


2001-2003 Protege Sedan

Front 5x7" @ 2.75"

* Can use 6x8"s, see note above.

* Can also use 5.25"s or 6.5"s with additional work, see note above.

Rear 6x9" @ Over 8"


2002-2003 Protege5

Front 5x7" @ 2.75"

* Can use 6x8"s, see note above.

* Can also use 5.25"s or 6.5"s with additional work, see note above.

Front seperate tweeters by mirrors. (2002.5-UP P5)

Rear 6" @ 4.25", 6" speakers fit the best and 6 1/2" can fit by cutting the rain guard, Thanks Sir Nuke.


1998-2000 Protege Sedan

Front 5x7" @ 2.75"

* Can use 6x8"s, see note above.

* Can also use 5.25"s or 6.5"s with additional work, see note above.

Rear 6x9" @ Over 8"


1995-1998 Protege Sedan

Front 6.5" @ 2" *

Rear 6x9" @ Over 8"

Dash Kits:


1990-1994 Protege/323

Front 5.25" @ 1.75" *

Rear 5.25" @ Over 8"


2003-UP Mazda 6:


-Front 5x7"

* Can use 6x8"s, see note above.

* Can also use 5.25"s or 6.5"s with additional work, see note above.

-Rear 5x7"

* Can use 6x8"s, see note above.

* Can also use 5.25"s or 6.5"s with additional work, see note above.

-90 amp alternator


-Tweeters - 1" @ 2ohms

-Midrange - 6.5" @ 2ohms, can also use 6x8" or 5.25"

-Rears - 5.25" @ 2ohms, can also use 6x8" or 6.5"

-Sub - 9"

-120 amp alternator

-Door speaker amp: under the passanger seat

-Sub amp: Built into the sub basket


2004-UP Mazda 3:

Front 5x7"

* Can use 6x8"s, see note above.

* Can also use 5.25"s or 6.5"s with additional work, see note above.

Rear 5x7"

* Can use 6x8"s, see note above.

* Can also use 5.25"s or 6.5"s with additional work, see note above.

HOW-TO: Mazda3 Front Speaker Install


2006-UP Mazda 5:

Front 5x7"

* Can use 6x8"s, see note above.

* Can also use 5.25"s or 6.5"s with additional work, see note above.

Rear 5x7"

* Can use 6x8"s, see note above.

* Can also use 5.25"s or 6.5"s with additional work, see note above.


Front door speaker depths are the distance to the windows not the deepest speaker usable!





2004-UP Mazda 3

METRA: 70-7903

Peripheral: PESWIX universal steering wheel control adapter

* I haven't tested this but they claim it supports all Mazdas

* Please note, it requires an aftermarket HU with a IR remote control.

* Check your HU manufacturer's website for integrated solutions before

buying this unit.


2001-2003 Protege Sedan

Metra: 70-7903, 71-7903 into factory radio -- these are female connectors

Scosche: MA03, MA03R into factory radio NO DIMMER OR ILLUMINATION These are male (reverse) connectors

Best Kits: None listed


2002-2003 Protege5

Metra: 70-7903, 71-7903 into factory radio

Scosche: MA03, MA03R into factory radio NO DIMMER OR ILLUMINATION

Best Kits: None listed


1995-2000 Protege Sedan

Metra: 70-7901

Scosche: MA02, MA02R into factory radio

Best Kits: BHA-7901


1990-1994 Protege/323

Metra: 70-7901

Scosche: MA02, MA02R into factory radio

Best Kits: BHA-7901


2006-up Mazda5

Metra: 70-7903

Details for the wiring harness





2004-UP Mazda 3

Scosche: MA1536

METRA: 99-7504


2003-UP Mazda 6

METRA: 99-7503

The navigation tray or glove box can be used to house and aftermarket unit.



2001-2003 Protege Sedan

Metra: 88-00-9000 or 98-7599 (pockets)

Metra: 99-7505 (full kit, see photos)

Scosche: MA1537

Best Kits: BKMA1573B

Stock MP3 and MSP Pocket: BJ1H-66-9M0

Stock MP3 and MSP Support Bar: TA06-66-9B1


2002-2003 Protege5

Metra: 99-7505 (full kit, see photos)

Metra: 88-00-9000 or 98-7599

Scosche: MA1537

Best Kits BKMA1573B

Stock MP3 and MSP Pocket: BJ1H-66-9M0

Stock MP3 and MSP Support Bar: TA06-66-9B1


1995-2000 Protege

Should be din sized an not need a kit at all. Pockets are listed below!

Metra: 99-5510, 99-5512, or 99-5700

Scosche: FM2157

Best Kits: None


1990-1994 Protege/323

Metra: 98-7599 or 99-7500

Scosche: MA1530

Best Kits: MZ7 (metal)


2006-up Mazda5

Metra 99-7509

Scosche MA1538B (to be released)






The radio removal tools are Ford radio remove keys. They are simply a set of U shaped metal. For a 2001 and up protege you will need 2 sets of tool, thats 4 U's

They are availble for a few dollars at Autozone, Walmart, ect.



These can be bought from :

Kenwood parts dealers

These are the actual removal tools

Z919 removal tool

Also a #4-40 x 1" Machine screws can be used aswell, Thank LinuxRacr for this one kids!



Seems Mazda was finaly kind to someone!

The MSP simply uses standard Kenwood radio removal tools.

Many stereo shop might lend you a par or you can call a Kenwood parts dealer, Kenwood parts dealers, and order some.






Pic from:


Pin #: Wire Color - Use


Pin 1: Green / Orange - Rear Right Speaker (-)

Pin 2: Green - Rear Right Speaker (+)

Pin 3: Brown - Rear Left Speaker (-)

Pin 4: Brown / White - Rear Left Speaker (+)

Pin 5: White - Front Right (-)

Pin 6: Red - Front Right (+)

Pin 7: Black / White - Front left (-)

Pin 8: Black / Brown - Front Left (+)

Pin 9: Black - Ground (see note below)

Pin 10: Pink / Black - Switched power, coonect to red wire in aftermarket harness.

Pin 11: White / Blue - Dimmer, not typicaly used for an aftermarket radio

Pin 12: Green / Black - Illumination, thanks twizyours

Pin 13: Blue / Red - Contasnt Power aka Battery aka Memory, connect to yellow wire in aftermarket harness.


NOTE: For aftermarket units, bolt ground wire directly to frame of car instead of using chassis ground wire on harness. Using the harness ground almost always introduces alternator whine.



White/Black = left front +

Gray/Black = left front -

White/Red = right front +

Gray/Red = right front -

White/Purple = left rear +

Gray/White = left rear -

White = rear right +

Gray = rear right -

Orange/Black = 12v constant

Orange/Black with silver dots = 12v illumination

Yellow with silver dots = 12v switched

Black/Green = Chassis ground (see note below)


NOTE: For aftermarket units, bolt ground wire directly to frame of car instead of using chassis ground wire on harness. Using the harness ground almost always introduces alternator whine.

20% mladih vidi svojo prihodnost zelo ro?nato-ostalih 80% pa nima denarja za nakup droge!!

FWD je za ?enske, RWD je za mo?ke, 4WD pa je za invalide

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